
百合网联合创始人兼行政总裁Jason Tian简介

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月20日 10:13 新浪财经

  Mr. Jason Tian

  Co-Founder and CEO of Baihe.com

  Jason Tian先生


  Mr. Jason Tian is the Co-founder and CEO of baihe.com - a leading serious dating website which has more than 10 Million registered users.

  The company also provides offline high-end dating service based on the online user base, which is now the largest offline dating operator in China.

  Mr. Tian is elected as the General Director of China Matchmaker Association because his deep understanding and contribution to the whole industry. Prior to Baihe, Mr. Tian worked for a leading consulting firm Accenture.

  Jason Tian先生为百合网联合创始人兼行政总裁。百合网为中国领先的高端婚恋网站,现时拥有超过1千万注册用户。


  由于Jason Tian先生对婚恋产业的了解与贡献,成功当选中国婚介协会执行主席。在创立百合网之前,Jason Tian先生曾服务于爱森哲。

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