
韩国Nurien Software主席Taehoon Kim简介

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月20日 10:12 新浪财经

  Mr. Taehoon Kim

  President of Nurien Software

  Taehoon Kim先生

  韩国Nurien Software主席

  Mr. Kim is the Co-founder and President of Nurien Software, a leading developer(开发商) and operator (营运商)of 3D social networking (虚拟世界) and online games service company. Mr. Kim is the visionary behind Nurien’s innovative product and its global strategies in becoming a dominant force in 3D social networking service platform. In late 2004, Mr. Kim was able to foresee a merger between social dynamics of Web2.0 and massively multiplay online games that ignited the development of Nurien.

  Prior to Nurien Software, Mr. Kim served as President of Realtime Worlds’ Korean operation - a UK based software technology and online entertainment company. Mr. Kim also served at Samsung Electronics new business development team where he led the vision of creating a new PC-mobile cross-platform online gaming business for the global market.

  Nurien Softwares是一家专注于开发和营运3D虚拟世界平台与网络游戏的公司,作为Nurien Software联合创始人兼主席,金先生是其创意产品及全球市场策略背后的灵魂人物:在2004年末,金先生成功地预测到Web2.0的虚拟世界功能将与网络游戏的一次整合,因此创立了Nurien Software,并成功把公司发展为业内首屈一指的3D虚拟世界服务平台开发和营运商。在此之前,金先生曾担任英国著名软件科技与在线娱乐公司- Realtime Worlds的主席,负责韩国业务发展。金先生曾任职于三星电子新业务发展部门,并在此期间提出PC与手机跨平台网络游戏业务的设想。

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