
Geni中国区总经理Alan Tien简介

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月20日 10:12 新浪财经

  Mr. Alan Tien

  General Manager of Geni China

  Alan Tien 先生


  Mr. Tien is currently the General Manager of Geni China. He came to China 3 years ago as PayPal China's Country Product Manager prior to Geni China. Before coming to China, Mr. Tien was a Group Product Manager at PayPal headquarters in San Jose, where he built PayPal China's site and PayPal's first set of APIs and Developer Central.

  Prior to PayPal, Mr. Tien was the Platform Product Manager at a $120M internet startup - Jamcracker - one of the earliest Software as a Service (SaaS) aggregators. His first eight years of his career was in consulting, first at Accenture, then at a niche operations consulting firm Westt.

  Tien先生现任为Geni中国区总经理。在加入Geni前,他在Paypal中国工作了3年,担任产品经理。在来到中国以前,他在Paypal圣何塞总部担任产品经理,在此期间他建立了Paypal中国办事处、Paypal首套APIs以及Developer Central。

  加入Paypal之前,Tien先生担任Jamcracker平台产品经理,该公司是一家拥有1.2亿美元创业资金的互联网企业,亦是最早提供“Software as a Service“(SaaS)的公司之一。此外,Tien先生拥有8年的咨询顾问经验,他最早任职于爱森哲,后又服务于Westt市场咨询公司。

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