

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年05月20日 10:09  新浪财经

  Mr. Will Chen

  Managing Partner of DT Capital Partners



  Mr. Will Chen is the Managing Partner of DT Capital Partners and has been involved in several technology companies and startups in Silicon Valley and China. He is most recently the Founder and CEO of Accelergy Corporation, an R&D technology company that develops advanced catalytic materials for alternative energy applications with operations in the US and Shanghai, China.

  Prior to Accelergy Corporation,, Mr. Chen was the Founder and CEO of OnePage, Inc. - an enterprise software company that developed a suite of portal products and management tools for the corporate market. OnePage was acquired by Sybase, Inc. (NYSE: SY) in 2002. Before starting OnePage, Mr. Chen was one of the Founders of Billpoint Inc., He has also been in senior management positions for Excite and Classifieds2000 (acquired by Excite in 1998), Andersen Consulting Strategic Services (Accenture), and IBM.

  陈先生是德同资本管理有限公司首席合伙人,并参与了美国硅谷以及中国多项科技企业及初创企业的项目。他也是Accelergy Corporation的创始人兼行政总裁。Accelergy Corporation在中美两地专注研发催化材料转化为辅助能源的应用和营运。

  加入Accelergy Corporation前,陈先生是OnePage Inc.的创始人兼行政总裁。该公司专门为企业研发合适的门户网站产品及管理工具。于2002年,该公司成功被Sybase, Inc (NYSE: SY) 收购。加入Onepage Inc.前,他是Billpoint的创始人之一。陈先生曾服务于Excite and Classifieds2000(1998年被Excite收购)、Andersen策略咨询公司(爱森哲)及IBM任职重要职位。

【 新浪财经吧 】


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