
美国博乐集团大中华区总裁Marietta Wu简介

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月20日 10:05 新浪财经

  Ms. Marietta Wu

  Director of Greater China of Burrill & Company

  Marietta Wu女士


  Ms. Wu leads the firm’s Greater China-related business with a focus on venture capital activities. Her experience ranges from clinical medicine and medical research to finance and entrepreneurship. She is also a frequent speaker and author on China life sciences topics.

  Prior to joining Burrill, Ms. Wu was the Director of Strategy at Edwards Lifesciences. She also held various financial and business development positions at Eli Lilly & Company. In the past few years, she has been active in cross border ventures and value creation in the life sciences industry.


  在加入美国博乐集团之前,吴女士曾任美国Edwards Lifesciences的策略总裁。在美国礼莱公司工作期间,她曾在融资以及业务拓展部门担任重要职位。过去几年间,她活跃于生命科学产业的跨国风险投资以及价值创造领域。

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