

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年05月20日 10:03  新浪财经

  Mr. David Su

  Partner of KPCB China



  Mr. Su is a Partner of KPCB China. He is also a General Partner of TDF Capital. He joined Venture TDF in 2000 and later co-founded TDF Capital in 2005. Mr. Su focuses on investments in software, internet, wireless services and medical technologies. His active portfolio companies are primarily high-growth TMT and medical device ventures. His successful exits include AAC Acoustic, Baidu.com and P-Cube (acquired by Cisco Systems).

  Prior to TDF Capital, Mr. Su was the Managing Director of Greater China operations at Lotus Development, IBM. In his six years at Lotus, he held various senior management and technical positions in the Asia Pacific region and was responsible for significantly growing Lotus' software and services business. Before Lotus, Mr. Su held software development and management roles with Port of Singapore Authority.

  徐传陞先生是KPCB创业投资基金的合伙人。 他同时是华盈创业中国投资基金公司的合伙人。 他于2000年加入华盈创投,并于2005年与汝林琪女士共同创建了华盈创业中国投资基金。 徐先生主要从事软件、互联网、无线服务和医疗等领域的投资。 他活跃投资于一些高成长性的科技公司和医疗器械公司。 徐先生所投并实现成功退出的公司包括瑞声声学,百度和P-Cube(被思科系统并购)。

  在加入华盈之前,徐先生曾在IBM/Lotus 公司担任大中华地区的董事总经理,负责管理大中华地区业务的全面运营。 徐先生在Lotus任职的六年中曾担任不同的亚太高级管理和技术职位。 在他的领导下, Lotus客户解决方案的销售和专业技术服务得到显著推动,从而在快速增长的网络组群和知识管理业务领域中树立起稳固的领导地位。在加入Lotus 之前,徐先生曾任职于新加坡港务局,负责IT项目的系统开发和管理。

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