

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月20日 10:02 新浪财经

  Mr. Xiaodong Jiang

  Managing Director of NEA



  Mr. Jiang joined NEA in 2005 to focus on investments in the rapidly growing China markets. In December 2005, he launched New Enterprise Associates (Beijing) Ltd. and opened its Beijing and Shanghai offices. Mr. Jiang currently manages and supports all China related activities.

  Mr. Jiang’s areas of interest include consumer and growth equity opportunities. He is on the board of Redbaby, BlueApple and Uni-Power Loan Guaranty. He has co-sponsored NEA investments in Lianlian Pay, Leadtone, Baihe.com, LineKong, ChinaWay, Citic Pharmaceutical and Cathay Biotech, and works closely with Spreadtrum Communications, Availink and other NEA China portfolio companies. He was recently honored by Entrepreneur magazine in China as one of China’s most influential venture capitalists under age 40.


  蒋先生专注于发掘消费市场以及资产增长所带来的机会。他现任红孩子、BlueApple以及中新力合担保的董事成员;他同时也参与NEA其他的投资项目,如连连科技、立通无线、百合网、蓝港在线、天视科技、中信制药以及凯赛生物科技,并同时与展讯通信、 中天联科以及其他NEA中国股权投资企业保持紧密的合作关系。蒋先生最近被中国创业家杂志评选为40岁以下最有影响力的风险投资家之一。

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