

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月20日 09:58 新浪财经

  Ms. Shelley Zhuang

  Associate of Draper Fisher Jurvetson



  Ms. Shelley Zhuang is an Associate at Draper Fisher Jurvetson, where her primary areas of interest are software and services, energy and consumer-oriented opportunities. Ms. Zhuang led the firm’s investment in HT Blade, the largest wind turbine blade manufacturer in China. In addition, she works closely with the teams and boards of a number of portfolio companies, including KU6, PPLive and Mtime.

  Prior to DFJ, Ms. Zhuang worked for Townsend and Townsend and Crew, where she advised major technology clients on strategic intellectual property issues. She conducted state-of-the-art research in peer to peer networks and wireless communications at the International Computer Science Institute and University of California-Berkeley. She also worked for Microsoft, DaimlerChrysler and NASA, and consulted for several startups in video and enterprise WAN technologies.

  庄茜女士现为德丰杰基金中国区投资副总裁,专门管理信息科技、能源和消费等领域的投资业务。庄女士带领了公司成功投资于HT Blade - 中国最大的风轮叶片制造商。此外,她还密切与许多所投资企业紧密合作,帮助他们发展,包括 KU6、PPLive和 Mtime。

  加入德丰杰之前,庄女士曾任职于美国Townsend and Townsend and Crew公司,为重要客户提供知识产权方面的策略性咨询。此外,她曾为国际计算机科学研究院及加州大学伯克利分校,就网络和无线通信领域进行具前沿性的研究。庄女士还曾任职于微软公司、戴姆勒-克莱斯勒公司和美国国家航空航天局,并为视频和网络等领域的初创公司提供咨询。

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