
Foundation Capital基金管理公司总裁Steve

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年05月20日 09:56  新浪财经

  Mr. Steve Vassallo

  Principal of Foundation Capital

  Steve Vassallo先生

  Foundation Capital基金管理公司总裁

  Mr. Steve Vassallo is the Principal at Foundation Capital where he focuses on new opportunities in Cleantech. An entrepreneur who lives at the intersection of business, technology, and design, Steve has spent the last 13 years launching and building a broad array of successful companies and products. Steve holds 19 patents and has received numerous product awards including Business Week Design of the Decade Bronze Award, IDEA99 Gold and Bronze Awards, NeoCon Gold and Most Innovative New Product Awards.

  Prior to joining Foundation, Mr. Vassallo was the Senior Director of Mechanical Engineering at Immersion [IMMR], a development and licensing firm that pioneered tactile feedback and human touch technology.

  Prior to Immersion, Mr. Vassallo was a project leader and design engineer at IDEO where he developed more than a dozen successful products including Cisco's 7900 family of VoIP phones, Nike sunglasses, Vecta KART chair, and Caterpillar steering and transmission controls.

  Vassallo先生现为Foundation Capital基金管理公司总裁,专注于清洁科技产业的开发和投资管理。作为一个横跨商业、科技与设计的企业家,Vassallo先生在过去13年中创立了多家成功的企业,推出了多种成功的产品。他拥有19项专利并获得过多项产品设计奖项,包括商业周刊10年设计类铜奖,IDEA99金奖与铜奖,NeoCon金奖以及最具创新产品奖。

  加入Foundation Capital基金管理公司之前,Vassallo先生担任Immersion公司(专注触觉回应与接触科技研发)的高级机械工程总监。在此之前,他是IDEO的项目领导与设计工程师;他成功研发了一系列的产品包括思科7900家用VoIP电话,耐克太阳镜,Vecta KART椅以及卡特比勒驾驶以及传输控制系统。

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