
德勤合伙人Vicky Wang简介

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月20日 09:56 新浪财经

  Ms. Vicky Wang

  Partner of Deloitte

  Vicky Wang女士


  Ms. Wang is a Tax Partner in Deloitte Shanghai office with thirteen years of professional tax consulting experience both in China and the U.S. Ms. Wang specializes in cross-border transaction structuring and planning, as well as assisting companies to go on US IPOs.

  Ms. Wang is one of the core members of the Deloitte mergers and acquisitions group, and has advised dozens of foreign and domestic investors on acquisition structures and due diligence reviews.

  Prior to joining Deloitte Shanghai office in 2001, Ms. Wang had worked at a Big Four firm in the U.S. with clients in a host of industries on US corporate tax matters and international tax issues, including mergers & acquisitions, stock option plans, and FAS 109 provisions.

  She became a member of the AICPA in November 1995 with the top CPA score in the District of Columbia.

  Vicky Wang女士现为德勤上海税务业务合伙人,她拥有13年的中美两国税务专业咨询经验。她主要致力于跨国交易架构搭建与策划,以及帮助企业赴美国进行首次股票发行。

  Vicky Wang女士是德勤兼并与收购部门的核心成员之一,她曾向许多国内外公司提供收购架构方面的建议并提供审查评鉴。

  在2001年加入德勤上海之前,她服务于美国四大会计师事务所,负责不同客户在美国国内税务方面的事务以及国际税务问题,其中包括兼并与收购,股票期权计划以及参与FAS109条款的准备工作。1995年11月,Vicky Wang女士以哥伦比亚地区第一的CPA成绩成为AICPA成员。

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