

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月20日 09:55 新浪财经

  Mr. Walker Wallace

  Partner of O’Melveny & Myers, Asia Practice



  Mr. Walker Wallace is the Partner of O’Melveny & Myers, Asia Practice, based out of Shanghai Office. He has represented fund managers and private equity funds in a broad range of capacities. With his extensive experience, he has helped companies in diverse industries to structure their business in China, including media and entertainment, consumer products, finances, retail, Internal, real estate, software, and alcoholic beverages.

  Before moving to Shanghai in 1997, Mr. Wallace practiced in New York for 2 years. He is the former Chairman of the Legal Committee for the Shanghai American Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Wallace was named by Chamber Global 2008 in “The World’s Leading Lawyers for Business” under the Private Equity category for the China / Hong Kong Region.


  在1997年来上海以前,万先生曾在纽约执业两年。他还曾担任上海美国商会法律委员会主席,并获《Chamber Global 2008》评为为中国/香港地区私募股权基金 - “最佳全球商业律师”。

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