

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月20日 09:54 新浪财经

  Mr. Andrew Goodridge

  Business Development Manager of Shui On Land



  Mr. Goodridge is currently the Business Development Manager for Shui On Land. Specifically, Mr. Goodridge focuses on establishing partnerships with venture capital firms, research institutions, consulting firms and incubators for Shui On’s Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), and oversees the investment strategy. He is also responsible for establishing cooperation ties between Bay Area Council and Yangtze Council on behalf of Shui On Land.

  Mr. Goodridge comes from an 8-year background in both real estate and venture capital. His real estate experience includes land acquisition, project finance and operations, highlighted by the $90 million acquisition of Polygon Communities. His venture capital experience includes co-founding and managing Polygon Management’s venture capital arm as well as establishing further investment funds, performing due diligence and making investment decisions.


  郭先生拥有8年房地产以及风险投资行业的经验。他曾参与土地收购、项目融资与运营,并参与了价值9千万美元的Polygon Communities项目收购。投身于风险投资业后,他参与创立了Polygon Management风险投资基金,并对其进行管理,制定投资决策。

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