
启明创投总经理Gary Reischel简介

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年05月20日 09:51  新浪财经

  Mr. Gary Reischel

  Managing Director of Qiming Ventures

  Gary Reischel先生


  Mr. Reischel is the Managing Director of Qiming Ventures, a leading $200M early stage fund based in Shanghai, China and has over 25 years of operating and investing experience in the information technology industry.

  Prior to this, Mr. Reischel was the founder of SOFTBANK Venture Capital/Mobius Venture Capital in the U.S. (1996), a firm with over $2 billion USD under management. While at SOFTBANK/Mobius, Mr. Reischel invested in over 50 technology companies leading to successful IPO exits at Infinera, UTStarcom, Concentric Networks, Verisign, USWeb, Net2Phone, Puma Technology (through acquisitions), Digimarc, Intertrust, and Critical Path, and successful M&A transactions for GeoCities (Yahoo!), Art.com (Getty Images), Datapower (IBM), and Comergent (ATT). Mr. Reischel has led successful investments in Chinese companies TopSec, Accelergy, and Yeelion.

  Prior to his 10 years as venture capitalist, Mr. Reischel served as the Director of Worldwide Channels / Programs of Cisco Systems, the General Manager Asia Pacific of Sequent Computer Systems andQuality Assurance Manager of Intel Corporation

  Gary Rieschel先生在信息技术产业拥有超过25年的运营和投资经验,是启明创投的总经理。该公司总部设于上海,是首家于早期拥有2亿美元基金储备的公司。

  在创立启明前,他是美国SOFTBANK软银风险投资/ Mobius风险投资(成立于1996年)的创始人,旗下管理近20亿美元的资产。在此期间,他对超过50家科技公司进行投资,其中多家公司成功IPO,如Infinera、UT斯达康、Concentric Networks、Verisign、USWeb、Net2Phone、Puma Technology (通过收购)、Digimarc、Intertrust和Critical Path, 还有多家成功并购案例,如GeoCities (被Yahoo!并购)、Art.com (Getty Images)、Datapower (IBM)和Comergent (ATT)。 此外,他在中国已成功对TopSec、Accelergy 和Yeelion进行投资

  在其10年的风险投资家生涯之前,Gary Rieschel先生在一些跨国企业中担任高级管理职位,如思科系统全球渠道主管、Sequent Computer Systems 亚太区总裁,以及英特尔质量保证经理。

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