
硅谷银行首席执行官Ken Wilcox简介

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月20日 09:49 新浪财经

  Mr. Ken Wilcox

  CEO of Silicon Valley Bank

  Ken Wilcox先生


  Mr. Ken Wilcox is the CEO of SVB Financial Group. Since January 2000, when he took on the role, Mr. Wilcox has successfully pursued a strategy of expansion and diversification, while remaining focused on the company's core niches of technology, life sciences, private equity and premium wineries.

  Mr. Wilcox joined Silicon Valley Bank in 1990 when he co-founded the company's East Coast Technology Division. In this role, Mr. Wilcox managed the first regional office of Silicon Valley Bank and was responsible for all lending activity east of the Mississippi River. Upon promotion to chief banking officer in 1997, Mr. Wilcox moved from Massachusetts to California and became the President and CEO within four years.

  Mr. Wilcox is a member of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco and the Silicon Valley Leadership Group.

  Ken Wilcox先生现为硅谷银行首席执行官。自2000年1月荣升为银行首席执行官后,Ken Wilcox先生成功地扩展企业业务和推进了业务多样化的战略,并同时专注于公司的核心产业发展,包括科技、生物科学、私人资产以及高级酿酒产业。

  Ken Wilcox先生于1990年加入硅谷银行,同时参与了公司东海岸科技部门的成立。他负责管理硅谷银行第一家地区办公室,并负责密西西比河以东地区的所有贷款活动。1997年他被提升为首席银行官,并在4年后成为主席兼首席执行官。Ken Wilcox先生目前亦是旧金山联邦储备银行与硅谷领导集团的董事会成员。

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