

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年05月20日 09:48  新浪财经

  Mr. Feng Deng

  Founding Managing Director of Northern Light Venture Capital



  Mr. Feng Deng co-founded Northern Light Venture Capital in 2005, a China focused fund. He has more than 15 years of technical and managerial experience in the computer, communication and data networking industries.

  In 1997, Mr. Deng co-founded NetScreen Technologies, and served as the Vice President of Engineering, Chief Strategy Officer and Board member. NetScreen went public on NASDAQ in 2001 and was acquired by Juniper Networks in 2004 for $4 billion. From 2004 to 2005, Mr. Deng served as VP of Corporate Strategy at Juniper Networks. Prior to founding NetScreen, Mr. Deng worked at Intel Corp.

  Mr. Deng was awarded the Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2002 and the Innovator of the Year award in 2003. He also holds five U.S. patents in computer system architecture and IC design. Mr. Deng serves on the Board of Directors of Hua Yuan Science and Technology Association (HYSTA), and is a board member of the Tsinghua University Foundation.


  于创立北极光创业投资基金前,邓先生与友人于1997年合作创立了NetScreen Technologies公司,并担任工程部副总裁、首席策略顾问及董事成员。2001年NetScreen Technologies公司成功在纳斯达克上市,并在2004年Juniper Networks公司以40亿美元收购该公司。收购成功后,邓先生于2004至2005年间担任Juniper Networks公司的企业策略副总裁。

  邓先生曾获选为2002年“年度企业家”和2003年“年度创新企业家”。他不单专注于创投项目,更重视科技研究和学术发展 - 拥有5项电脑系统建筑与IC设计领域的美国专利,目前,更担任华源科技协会董事和清华大学基金会董事成员。

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