

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月20日 09:43 新浪财经

  Mr. Anjie Chen

  Secretary of the CPC Shanghai Yangpu District Committee



  Mr. Anjie Chen has served as the Secretary of CPC Shanghai Yangpu District Committee since February 2003. In addition to his work at CPC Shanghai Yangpu District Committee, Mr. Chen also a member of Standing Committee of the 12th Session of Shanghai People’s Congress.

  Prior to the CPC Shanghai Yangpu District Committee, Mr. Chen served as the Vice Secretary of CPC Yangpu District Committee, and the Secretary of Yangpu Political and Law Committee, the Secretary of Party Branch of the Tenth Workshop of Shanghai No. 5 Steel Plant, the Secretary of Party Branch and Director of the Fourth Workshop, the Vice Secretary of Party Committee and the Head of Labor Union of The Plant.

  Mr. Chen worked in Shanghai No. 5 Steel (Group) Co., Ltd., as the Party Secretary and Vice Board Chairman since December, 1996. In November 1995, Mr. Chen served as the Party Secretary and Vice Board Chairman of Shanghai HuChang Steel Co., Ltd.



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