

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月20日 09:42 新浪财经

  Mr. Jim Wunderman

  President and CEO of Bay Area Council



  Mr. Jim Wunderman serves as the President and CEO of the Bay Area Council, a business-backed public policy organization in the Silicon Valley-San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area. Since becoming CEO in April 2004, Mr. Wunderman has led the 60-year-old public-policy organization to tighten its focus, significantly increase its advocacy work, and expand its efforts globally, starting with China.

  Prior to the Bay Area Council, Mr. Wunderman spent about half of his career in the private sector and the other half in the public sector. In the private sector he worked for Providian Financial Corporation, Norcal Waste Systems, and ran his own consulting company, The Wunderman Group.

  From 1992 through 1995, Mr. Wunderman served as the Chief of Staff to San Francisco Mayor Frank M. Jordan. He also worked in San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein’s administration from 1984 to 1988 and played a key role preparing the city for the 1984 Democratic National Convention.


  旺德曼先生于加入旧金山湾区委员会前,曾任职于普天信金融公司及诺考尔废物系统公司。加入普天信金融公司之前,旺德曼先生更创立和经营自己的咨询公司 - 旺德曼集团,提供公共事务、政治选举和市场战略方面的咨询服务。


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