

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月07日 15:22 新浪财经



  Preferential Policy of China Green Foundation

  Any individual or enterprise who participates in this activity will accordingly has access to the preferential policy of China Green Foundation(CGF),granted by the state council, i.e., “……For those enterprises, public service institutions, social groups and individuals, etc, who donate to CGF,‘the total amount of their donation will be deducted from their total income which is subject to taxation’”. China Green Foundation will issue the “Receipt Specially Used for Donation Accepted by Central Government for Public Welfare”, which is printed by the Ministry of Finance of People’s Republic of China. With this receipt the enterprises are eligible for the preferential policy.

  Suppose the total annual profit for an enterprise is 10 million yuan, and according to the regulation of Chinese government, the income tax rate is 25 percent, then the income tax should be 10 million yuan×25% = 2.5 million yuan; if this enterprise donates 1 million yuan to the China Green Foundation, which means 1 million will be deducted from the pre-tax total amount, then its profit that is subject to taxation will be10million yuan-1million yuan =9 million yuan and the income tax it should pay will be 9 million yuan ×25% =2.25 million yuan.

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