

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月07日 15:12 新浪财经




  我们将在电视、平面、网站媒体中各选择1 -2家担任项目的深度合作媒体,合作媒体将给予项目更多的宣传和报道版面,配合主办单位在项目各阶段的宣传重点进行集中深度的宣传。合作媒体之外的其他各类媒体伙伴也将对项目中的各个活动在广度上进行传播。

  IX. Media Promotion to the Program

  To achieve the expectation of the program, the organizers have attached great importance to the advocacy

  of this program.

  By taking full advantage of Chinese mainstream media, the program will be promoted in every crucial

  phase during the whole process. We hope to make the program more visible and influential via various

  media promotions, and the joint efforts of participants responding to global warming will be spread out to

  China and the whole world.

  Promotion of the program will be based on multiple media platforms, such as TV, newspapers, website

  and broadcasting, taking forms of instant news reports, insightful special coverage, high-end interviews,

  awarding ceremony etc. to achieve the best results of publicity.

  Among the various media mentioned above, one or two will be selected as the main partners, who will

  undertake more reports and coverage on this program, carrying out concentrated and intensive publicity

  during crucial phases of the program in cooperation with the organizing parties. Other media partners will

  also get involved in general reports on the program.

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