

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月07日 14:49 新浪财经

  Sharing the similar situation with the rest of the world, China is also confronted with various climate and environment problems. As a large country with a strong sense of responsibility, China has always been paying close attention to the problem of climate change. At the Fifteenth APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting held in Sydney, Australia on September 8, 2007, Chinese President Hu Jintao delivered a critical speech and proposed the setting up of the Asia-Pacific Network on Forest Rehabilitation and Sustainable Management.

  China has also conducted a series of nationwide campaigns in energy-saving and emission-reducing through adjusting economic structure, optimizing energy structure, improving energy utilization efficiency, and popularizing afforestation, etc. Generally speaking, energy saving, emission reduction and clean development are both the requirement for sustainable development and China's obligations to the international society.

  The fact of “Global Warming” is ringing an alarm to human beings all over the world. It's a common view among the nations and throughout the whole human society that endeavors should be applied to actively respond to the tendency of globing warming, leaving behind to our future generations a world for survival and for sustainable development.

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