大会赞助商普华永道简介http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月23日 19:13 新浪财经
At PricewaterhouseCoopers we view M&A as a coordinated process, not a series of separate steps. We provide services across the whole deal continuum, delivering a fully connected solution to our corporate and financial investor clients. Our services include: M&A strategy, deal origination,valuations, M&A tax structuring, project finance, due diligence, post-merger integration, sell-side lead advisory, vendor assistance, and IPO services. PricewaterhouseCoopers is the China market leader in supporting the M&A activities of multinational corporations and private equity houses. We are by far the largest of the ‘Big 4’ accounting firms in China, and in this case size really does matter, because it means we can offer specialised and complementary M&A services to our clients. PricewaterhouseCoopers has been ranked the #1 deal advisor in the Asia-Pacific by volume for two consecutive years by Thomson Financial, 2005&2006. 本地知识,本地专家 在普华永道,我们视购并交易为一个完整的流程,而不是一系列单一的步骤。我们的服务横贯了整个交易过程,使得我们能够为企业及财务投资者提供整体连续的解决方案。我们的服务包括:购并战略、交易发起、企业价值及法定资产评估、购并税务架构、项目融资、尽职调查、购并整合、卖方项目管理、卖方谈判支持以及上市服务。 在跨国公司及私人股权投资基金在国内的购并活动中,普华永道已成为中国市场的领导者。我们是中国境内四大会计师事务所中规模最大的专业机构。规模大小对我们的客户来说意义深远,因为我们可以提供更全面、更专业的购并咨询服务。 普华永道在2005、2006年连续两年被Thomson Financial评为亚太区排名第一的购并顾问。
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