
Conference Registration

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月21日 14:07 新浪财经

  Registration Fee:10000 RMB (US $1400)

  Early birds price: RMB8,000 or US$ 1,100 before Nov.15, 2007 (subject to remittance receipt)

  The fee covers documentation, events, meals and beverages, excluding participants’ travel or hotel expenses

  Registration Contact:

  CAIJING Magazine

  Ms. Xiao Yao

  Tel: 86-01-85650317


  E-mail: Conference@caijing.com.cn

  Add: 10th Prime Tower 22, Chaoyangmeiwai Street, Beijing, 100020 P.R.China

  New Alliance Consulting International

  Official PR firm for CAIJING Conferences & Events

  Ms. Victoria Zhu

  Tel: 010-6530 5011/12/13/14 Ext. 128

  Fax: 010-6530 5006

  Add: Suite 1201,China Central Place, Tower 4, 89 Jianguo Road, Beijing f100025,China

  Please Log on www.caijing.com.cn/annualconference for Registration Form

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