

http://www.sina.com.cn  2007年11月07日 19:05  新浪财经

  INSEAD (欧洲工商管理学院)领导与责任方向名誉教授,中欧国际工商学院全球责任领导力特聘教授。

  Prof. Dr. Henri-Claude de Bettignies

  Distinguished Professor of Responsible Leadership, CEIBS, Shanghai


  1975年在INSEAD商学院升任教授之后,翟博思教授启动并开发了INSEAD商学院在日本和亚太地区的各项活动。在这些活动的基础上,INSEAD商学院于1980年创办了欧亚中心,由翟博思教授担任主任直至1988年。翟博思教授还是INSEAD发展和责任研究中心(CEDRE)的创始人和主任。他在欧洲、美国和亚太地区若干家大型公司担任顾问。他是仲量联行(Jones Lang LaSalle)董事、公益大学(The University of Common Good)学术委员会成员、VIGEO(一家独立的企业社会责任评级机构)科学委员会成员以及全球领导力高层经理培训中心学术委员会成员。


  翟博思教授出版了《变革管理》(1975),《中国企业转型》(1996),《亚太地区变化的商业环境》(1997),《亚太地区的贸易与投资》(1997)等专著。他还与人合著了《日本研究》(1998)与《商业伦理:政策与人》(2005,合著者:K. 古德佩斯特、L. 纳什)。翟博思教授在商业和专业期刊上发表了60多篇论文。他在《亚洲商业期刊》、《国际经营治理及伦理学期刊》、《新学会评论》、《亚洲管理学会期刊》、《国际管理与组织研究》、《雷鸟国际商业评论》、《金融与公益》等期刊担任编委。

  Henri-Claude de Bettignies is the Aviva Chaired Emeritus Professor in Leadership and Responsibility at INSEAD and is Distinguished Professor of Global Responsible Leadership at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), in Shanghai. Between 1988 and 2005, with a joint appointment at Stanford University (Graduate School of Business), he shared his time equally between Europe, California and the Asia Pacific region (particularly with the INSEAD campus in Asia). He was educated at the Sorbonne (Licence ès Lettres), at the Catholic University of Paris (EPP), then at the Harvard Business School (ITP). He worked in Africa (MIFERMA, Mauritania), at the University of California (IIR, Berkeley), in New York (for IBM), and then in Tokyo for 5 years.

  Professor de Bettignies joined INSEAD in 1967 as Assistant Professor. He started and developed INSEAD’s activities in Japan and the Asia Pacific region which led, in 1980, to the creation of the Euro-Asia Centre, of which he was Director General until 1988. Professor de Bettignies is currently engaged in the development of the Ethics initiative at INSEAD, and is pioneering a new approach (AVIRA) to enlighten business leaders.

  Professor de Bettignies teaches MBAs and executives in the areas of ethics and CSR, HR management and corporate transformation, culture and management. He directs a number of executive (public or corporate) programmes in Europe and in Asia; he is the Founder and Director of CEDRE (Centre for the Study of Development and Responsibility) and Chairman of the LVMH Asia Scholarships Jury.

  Henri-Claude de BETTIGNIES is in the process of creating the Euro-China Centre for Leadership and Responsibility at CEIBS.

【 新浪财经吧 】


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