

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月07日 19:03 新浪财经

  Mr. Toshiaki Maruyama

  Head Director of Japanese Corporate Institute of Ethic Research

  1953年生于东京,毕业于东京教育大学文学部哲学系。曾就读东京高等针灸专科学校。1984年就读筑波大学大学院,攻读思想研究博士课程,获得文学博士学位,任日本学术振兴会奖励研究员,筑波大学非常勤讲师等。1987年就职于伦理研究所,现在任伦理研究所理事长,日本家庭教育学会常任理事。主要的著作有:《改变企业的秘诀》、《发现幸福法则的人》 、《生命与救治》、《建设和睦的家庭》 、《道德的力量》、《未知之旅》、《有意义的人生》、《纯粹伦理入门》、《七大原理》、《伦理经营原典》等。

  Mr. Maruyama graduated from the Philosophy Department of the Literature College of Tokyo Normal University in 1953. He also studied in the Tokyo Senior Acupuncture Academy. In 1984, he studied in Tsukuba University, majored in doctorate courses on thought research, and obtained his doctoral degree therein, and he later worked as an honored researcher at the Japan Academic Study Revitalization Association, and non-frequent lecturer in Tsukuba University. In 1987 he worked at the Ethic Research Institute, and now he holds the position of Head Director of the Institute, Director of the Japan Family Education Institute. Principal works by Mr. Toshiaki Maruyama include: Secrets for Transforming Enterprises, The Man that Finds the Law of Happiness, Life and Life-saving, Build Harmonious Family, The Power of Ethic, Unknown Tour, Meaningful Life, Guidance to Pure Ethic, Seven Principles, and the Dictionary of Ethic Management, etc.

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