

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月07日 19:02 新浪财经

  Shi Qingqi

  Secretary General of China Association of Women Entrepreneurs


  主要著作有:《技术进步与经济增长》、《技术进步与产业结构变化》丛书。《技术进步管理工程》上下集等30余部,发表论文和内部报告200多篇。 中国工程院院士三次提名,带博士20余人。

  Professor Shi Qingqi graduated from China University of Geosciences in 1960, majoring in Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, after which she has taught in this university for 18 years. In 1978, she entered the Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. From 1981, she has undertaken research at National Development and Reform Commission and was the Fellow Researcher and Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics, the Director of the Institute of Industrial Economy and Technical Economy, and the tutor of the Ph.D students. Her research findings have won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Development Award, and the first prize of Science and Technology Development Award at the ministry-and-commission level twice, and third prize twice. The research project in cooperation with the World Bank has received the American International Management Science Franz • Maurice Edelman Award, which is hailed as the Nobel Prize for Management Science. She has participated in the NDRC’s medium- and long-term program since the sixth Five-Year Plan and the evaluation of theories and methods of technological development, the strategies, program and policies of industrial structure and industrial policy of coal, railway and other industries. Many of her research findings have been adopted by the government which has generated enormous social and economical benefit. Since holding an office at China Association of Women Entrepreneurs from 2000, she has done research into the issues including Chinese females starting their own business and development of female entrepreneurs. She is the editor of Chinese Female Entrepreneurs Development Report, the first in the nation. She is commissioned by the UNDP to do research on the issue of How Entering WTO Affecting Chinese Females and the like. The achievements of Shi Qingqi have been included in the Cambridge Global Who’s who, UK and Chinese characters Cihai, the contemporary board culture volume. Principal works by Pro. Shi Qingqi include more than 30 published books such as Technological Progress and Economic Growth, Series of Technological Progress and Changes in the Industrial Structure, Project Management of Technological Progress, and more than 200 published papers and internal reports.

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