

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月07日 19:02 新浪财经

  Ann Goodman

  Executive Director of the Women’s Network for a Sustainable Future



  在此之前,作为记者的古德曼女士,为世界主要媒体,例如,《财富》、《经济学人》、《商业周刊》、《Fast Company》和《Information Week》,提供有关可持续发展和相关商业话题(包括财务、技术、环境和公司社会责任)的深入报道。同时,就这些话题,她为众多来自不同国家的听众做相关演说,包括欧洲联盟,联合国环境规划署,瑞士再保险公司和中国女企业家协会;并应邀作为Marketplace(在美国全国播出的每日商业广播)的定期评论员。她还编撰并整理了这些领域的出版物。随后,古德曼女士创建了Telesis Consulting,一家为盈利、非盈利和政府机构提供有关环境和社会责任咨询的公司。

  古德曼博士曾担任环境新闻工作者联合会董事局主席,于1998年和1999年被任命为美国总统理事会下属国家首脑会议规划小组委员会成员。她现为欧盟主办的全球社会对话成员,并服务于:国际环境设计中心董事局、巴塞罗那计算机辅助设计/发展与伙伴关系促进中心咨询理事会、纽约市高中环境研究专业咨询委员会。同时,她也为政府和非盈利机构作建议咨询,包括现阶段的,位于华盛顿特区的女性政策研究所、新纽约市长妇女委员会和“Do Something”(一个激励青少年为社会公益作贡献的组织)。

  Ann Goodman, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Women’s Network for a Sustainable Future, a nonprofit organization she co-founded to help businesswomen exchange best practices on the convergent issues of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. She is also adjunct professor of business responsibility at the Center for Global Affairs at New York University and affiliate professor at the graduate Center for Environmental Policy at Bard College.

  Formerly a journalist, Dr. Goodman reported extensively on sustainability and related business topics (including finance, technology, environment and corporate social responsibility) for major international media, including Fortune, the Economist group, the Business Week group, Fast Company and Information Week. She has also spoken on these topics to a wide range of international audiences (including the EC, UNEP, Swiss Re and the Chinese Association of Women Entrepreneurs) and as a regular commentator for Marketplace, the premiere daily business program broadcast nationally on US public radio. She has edited and managed publications in these fields. Later, she founded Telesis Consulting, a research and communications firm advising for-profit, non-profit and government enterprises on environmental and social responsibility.

  Dr. Goodman is a past director of the board of the Society of Environmental Journalists and was appointed to the Planning Committee for the National Summit of the US President’s Council on Sustainable Development in 1998 and 1999. She is a member of the EC-sponsored Global Society Dialogue and serves on: the Board of Directors of International Design Center for the Environment; the Advisory Council of CAD/Centro de Alianzas para el Desarrollo in Barcelona; and the Professional Advisory Council of the New York City High School of Environmental Studies. She continues to advise government and nonprofit groups, including, recently, the Washington, D.C.-based Institute for Women’s Policy Research, the New York City Mayor’s Commission on Women and Do Something, an organization that encourages children to work for social good.

  请点击下载演讲报告:Women as a Leading Indicator of Consumer Trends

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