

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月01日 17:53 新浪财经




  于洋简介 Curriculum Vitae of Yu Yang

  于洋:资深创意专家 商务策划师 文化经纪人 保利演艺经纪有限公司总裁,1986年毕业于中国人民解放军外国语学院俄语系,1986年为总参谋部创意全球第一支女子军乐团引起轰动, 1987年开始从事专职文化创意及演出经纪工作, 1989年提出“弘扬民族文化”系列创意被中央采用并成为国家观点, 1997年在俄罗斯工作期间创意“莫斯科华人文化节”, 1999年参与组建保利文化艺术有限公司, 2003年组建国有控股企业保利演艺经纪有限公司, 2004年把余光中先生的《乡愁》成功创意成为《十感乡愁》主题唱片, 2004年保利演艺经纪有限公司荣获“首届中国十大经纪创新企业”称号, 2005年保利演艺经纪有限公司荣获“中国最具影响力策划机构”称号, 2005年被授予“中国演艺策划大师”称号, 2005年为电视晚会创意制作的和谐温情版《义勇军进行曲》引发争议, 2006年为鲁能地产所做的“三亚美丽城” 相关创意提案被成功采购, 2007年完成保利演艺经纪有限公司的成功改制并成为控股股东,











  Veteran agent for artists, a professional business planner,a cultural broker and the CEO of Poly Artist Management Co., Ltd.,Graduated from Chinese People's Liberation Army at Institute of Russian of Foreign language in 1986,Created the first women’s military band for the Headquarters of the General Staff which had caused a sensation in 1986,Working in cultural creativity and performance agent during 1987,Created a project of “Bring Honour to National Culture” in 1989 which became a focus and had been used by the Chinese Government,Created a project of “Chinese Culture Festival in Moscow” in 1997,Participated in the establishment of Poly Performing Arts Co. Ltd in 1999,Participated in the establishment of Poly Artist Management Co. Ltd which is a state-owned enterprise in 2003,In 2004, created a CD of “Shi Gan Xiang Chou” which the lyric was used from the famous poem “Xiang Chou” which written by Mr Yu Guang Zhong,An award of “The first session of Top 10 Enterprises for Creative agent” was granted to Poly Artist Management Co., Ltd.in 2004,An award of “The most influential planning enterprise” was granted to Poly Artist Management Co., Ltd.in 2005,Mr Yu Yang has been awarded for “Master of Chinese Performing Planning” in 2005,Re-arranged the tune of “March of the Volunteers” into a harmonious version during a TV show in 2005 which had caused for a sensation,Created an idea of “Beautiful city in Sanya” which has been used by Lu Neng Real Estate,Successfully re-structured of Poly Artist Management Co., Ltd. , became one of the shareholders of Poly Artist Management Co., Ltd.in 2007.

  Point of View:

  The spiritual civilization is a mirror which reflect the image of both the country and citizen.

  The spiritual civilization is not a slogan, it must be done through Industrialization

  China needs a spiritual Industrialization, a spiritual life is very important to citizen of China

  The country should exert the development of Spiritual Industry, advocates the policies and purchase the exceptional products of the Spiritual Industry.

  Creativity is the first fertileness of Spiritual Industry

  Cultural & Creative Industry is the core industry of Spiritual Industry

  Culture & Creative Industry is the first affected factor to make China to be a harmonious country.

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