中欧农村的未来论题资料http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月25日 15:23 新浪财经
从捷克共和国的变迁展望中国农村的发展 1.身份 国家:捷克共和国 作者:Zdenek Linhart 研究机构:布拉格捷克生命科学大学和Agentura Agropro co-operative 2.背景 根据对外国投资和食品生产链中几个重要生产商之间的合作和竞争的描述分析,预测中国农村的发展。 3.目标 提出中国农村工业的发展前景,男人或妇女是本文的目标。 4.研究方法 发展前景通过参考捷克农村以下的改革事件而得出: a.食品加工业的私有化,并购(M+A)和外商直接投资(FDI)食品加工业 b.农业合作社的改造 c.从农场直接销售的新型合作社的出现 d.新农民和新国际化企业 (INV)的出现 发展前景是运用情感理论、生活事件的压力价值观以及国际商业的准则并通过对上述事件的分析而得出的。 5.研究结果 食品加工业的私有化,并购(M+A)和外商直接投资(FDI)的发展前景 因为追踪所有权或许未知,所以私有化在中国是不可能的。捷克没有国有私营企业的并购,这在中国也是不可能的。而外商直接投资已经存在了。其他外商直接投资的例子像奥地利的生物燃料加工公司,会同食品生产相竞争。中国的食品消费在不断增长,而且现在已经考虑从欧洲进口食品。如果中国人民的收入不象前捷克斯洛伐克那样提高的话,食品价格的增长将会导致消费的降低。 其中确定了两个发展进程。第一,区域的发展经历了以下阶段:食品加工业的私有化,农业合作社的改造和新型的直接从农场进行销售的企业的出现。这是一个持续时间很长的、痛苦的政治和立法过程。第二,新型农民和新型国际化企业在前面提到的农村和地区发展的各个阶段都得到了发展。对兽医费用和牛奶产量之间关系的分析表明高科技和好管理可以使农民喜欢国际企业的并购。 6.预测 第一.人口达一亿的城市中有外商直接投资和其他收入机会的人同农村地区自给自足、没有城市居民收入的农民进行了对比。第二,向高科技农民的改造会导致下后果:自给自足人口数量的降低、大农场中疾病的困扰和食品生产链中地方改造的高成本的过程等。因此,所得到的预测是农村地区人口不会很快向城市转移,且农村企业的政治改革和技术重构两个过程会同时进行。最后,科技的发展会超越农村政治和立法方面发展,同时以企业家取代农村居民。只有世界能源危机能够停止或阻碍科技的发展以及把人口移向城市。 “再地方化”与象征资本 南回族社区近年来的若干建筑表现 Abstract:In this paper, the notion of “relocalization” produced by the British anthropologist,Thomas, will be employed to interpret the new style of architecture which appeared recently in the south of Fujian and which is said to “embody the ethnic characters” of the local Hui nationality. The author maintains that Bourdieu’s insightful theory of “symbolic capital” may help us in detecting a sense of “resentment” objectified in the architectural representations. The sense of resentment is an alarming sign of the increasing tension between local government and the will of local people. 中国农村权力结构中的家族因素 Abstract: This paper studies the powerful presence of clan element in China’s rural areas. Different cases show that clan leadership grows where party leadership declines. The clan influences village elections and takes a share in the dual power structure of party branch and village committee. In the villages where party branch and village committees are strong, the power of clan is under control. However, in the villages where both committees are weak, either clan tyranny emerges, or there is no strong leadership at all. 乡村五十年:日常经济实践中的国家与农民 以义乌市后乐村为个案的实地研究 Abstract: The fifty years of evolution in the relationship between state and the peasants in Hou Le Village shows what an important impact the daily economic activities of the peasants has on the social changes and development of the village. In other words, the daily economic activities of the peasants provide a powerful explanatory framework for the feasibily of the state’s institutional arrangement with regard to allowing peasant autonomy and removing social bias against the peasants. If China wants to modernize her rural areas, she cannot afford to neglect the “local elements” which are expressed in the peasants’ daily economic activities. 孙村的路 “国家—社会”关系格局中的民间权威 在中国的广大乡村,道路犹如基层社会有机体的血脉经络,把相对独立的村落,连接为跨聚居单元的经济(市场)区域和文化圈。虽然兴建道路总是被视为积德行善的公益事业,但因涉及征地清苗、投资投劳,难免阻力重重。在物质资源有限的乡村,发起者需要动员各种社会资源,协调乡村社会的利益冲突。兴建道路给不同历史时期的乡村领袖提供了一个施展才能、扩大影响力的舞台。关注乡村道路的兴建,乃是分析“民间权威” (Popular authority)这一社会角色的合适视角。 山东农村社会资本状况调查 Abstract : Social capital is an important measure of social development. By means of questionnaire and interview,this article analyzes the condition of social capital in rural Shandong according to views of social ethos,sophisticated tactics,senses of trust and safety,social involvement and relational networks. The results show that social capital has a good influence on economic development and life satisfaction. Finally,the authors try to revise some conventional ideas and hope to benefit the development of theory and practice. 民族旅游与文化传统的选择性重构 拉萨市娘热乡民间艺术团个案分析 Abstract:This paper, being a case study of a peasant-run sparetime Tibetan opera troupe,aims to show how national culture is utilized as a kind of resource and tool, and how it is decorated,showcased and consumed as capital in the market. The author concludes that traditional culture in tourism areas - in this case the Tibetan traditional culture - is shaped jointly by the need of tourists and the accommodating creations of the local cultural elites.