论题:中欧在世界生产和贸易体系中地位的演变http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月25日 14:43 新浪财经
中欧在世界生产和贸易体系中地位的演变 城市 : IT - Turin 分组简介 与会者列表 文件 分组简介: 我们今天所经历的经济全球化自上世纪50年代发轫,并在70年代末加快了步伐。全球化建立了一个国际分工体系。某些国家、地区或城市掌握了金融服务系统、信息系统和尖端技术。而其它一些地方,我们姑且可以说它们由于受益于较低的生活和工资水平而成为世界工厂。但更有些地方仍然停留在开采自然资源的阶段。 各地生活水平的高低在很大程度上反映了这种国际分工。各国间财富和发展水平的高低也由此而生。但这种国际分工并非一成不变,它一直处于变化中。对新兴的工业和后工业国家来说,一项重要的战略就是通过利用在经济发展初期所积累的经验和技术逐步跻身国际分工中更高的层级。 这种分工不仅存在于国家间,也存在于地区之间。随着经济体系的逐步完善,在中国国内,从沿海地区发端的经济起飞很大程度上是由外国,尤其是欧洲企业的进驻引起的,这一进展逐步扩展至中国内地、越南或其它地区。中国企业越来越独挡一面,并开始拓展海外市场。中国沿海地区正向高附加值产品迈进,技术含量不断提高,甚至开始涉足研发。 国际体系能够走向平衡吗?中国沿海地区工资和技术水平的逐步提高将导致中国也像欧洲国家间的平衡一样吗?中欧之间,尤其是直接与中国构成竞争关系的东欧国家和中国之间的竞争压力将向何处去?这是本论坛要探讨的问题。 与会者列表: CHENG Dawei (程大为) RENARD Mary Françoise SCHWEISGUTH Danielle SVENSSON Marina Gentlemen : BAI Mingshao (白明韶) BERKOFSKY Axel BRADANINI Alberto CHAPONNIERE Jean-Raphaël DELMAN Jorgen HUANG Weiping (黄卫平) HURLEY Robert NASSIMBENI Guido YAO Shiping (姚世平) 轴心人物 : HUANG Weiping (黄卫平), STAFUTTI Stefania 组织者 : AJANI Gianmaria, STAFUTTI Stefania 后勤支持 : AJANI Gianmaria, REGIS Veronica, STAFUTTI Stefania 接待 : AJANI Gianmaria, STAFUTTI Stefania 论题文件: THE EU AND CHINA IN THE GLOBAL SYSTEM - PARTNERS OR COMPETITORS ? Keynote Remarks A lot has been said and written on EU-China co-operation on the international stage in recent years. Ever since the EU and China referred to each other as ‘strategic partners’ in 2003 Brussels and Beijing have undertaken numerous efforts to elaborate define how and where Europe and China will co-operate in international politics, security and economics. Over the last four years, the EU and China each published several policy papers outlining their respective political, trade, economic and security policies towards each other and the expansion of relations in essentially all thinkable areas and sectors has been accompanied by a seemingly ever growing exchange of official track I as well as non-official track II exchanges. The frequency and intensity of bilateral exchanges on numerous levels is indeed impressive and demonstrated that both Brussels and Beijing follow up on their announcements to invest the political and diplomatic resources and energies to constantly upgrade institutional and exchanges and relations beyond increasing bilateral trade and investment relations taken care of by business.