论题:世界化对中欧社会的冲击http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月25日 14:30 新浪财经
世界化对中欧社会的冲击:公共服务的概念、财政与管理 城市 : RO - Bucarest In partnership with : AITEC (Association Internationale de Techniciens, Experts et Chercheurs) : aitec.reseau-ipam.org (english version) 无论在欧洲还是在中国,人们普遍都认为社会活动不应当只由市场规律支配。后者难免会对人类尊严、对社会和谐、尤其是对贫困者的生活水平构成威胁,从地方到全球的各级公共机构因此都肩负着建立广泛的特殊领域的责任,这个领域可以部分地逃脱市场的魔爪。私营企业也可以承担这个领域的发展和管理责任,但须通过一系列使相关成本社会化的机制实现,以便社会的贫困阶层也能从中受益。这个公共权力干预的领域主要包括教育、卫生、养老、供水、能源、交通、通讯、邮政、文化、研究和技术创新的一部分。当然公共权力的干预毕竟还不同于公共权力直接管理。 在欧盟,我们需要维系一种平衡,也就是说一方面要维护公平竞争的环境,因为这是欧盟的基石之一,另一方面市场规律在很多行业所起的作用并不尽如人意,因此需要干预和监控。 让所有人都能享受到服务的梦想始终萦绕于我们的脑际,但目标归目标,这并不意味着这服务就必须由公共权力部门来管理和经营,于是“普遍利益服务”的概念就应运而生。这个概念激发我们进行深刻反思。即使是在欧洲,美国模式的信奉者也已为数众多,他们相信民营模式较公营更为优越,商业领域和为普遍利益服务的领域之间的界限业已模糊不清。 在中国,国营事业经历了迅速的收缩,这使得国家有必要思考未来公共服务的界定和公共服务管理的方法。即使是在经济领域内部,人们也在对商业的无限扩张提出了质疑。在反全球化运动中最流行的口号便是“世界不是一件商品”,这绝非偶然。 与会者对公共服务或者说普遍利益服务的理念、资金供应和管理都有各自的经验和反思,本论坛的宗旨便是要让这些思想得以相互碰撞出绚丽的火花。 与会者列表: Ladies : CABIOC’H Hélène KNOTTNERUS Roeline LIU Guiying (刘桂英) PARUOLO Silvana REICHERT Inge WEHLANDER Caroline Gentlemen : BAUBY Pierre BRIE Ilie DUDU Florian EUSTATHOPOULOS Yannis GALEPIDES Nicolas HENCKS Raymond LOBINA EMANUELE LUO Hongguang (罗红光) MA Jun (马骏) 轴心人物 : BAUBY Pierre, CABIOC’H Hélène, PETIT Fanny 组织者 : BAUBY Pierre, BRIE Ilie, CABIOC’H Hélène, DUDU Florian, PROFIROIU Marius 主持 : LUO Hongguang (罗红光) 后勤支持 : CABIOC’H Hélène 接待 : CABIOC’H Hélène 论题文件: DESIGN, FUNDING AND MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE Europeanization of public service In the course of the first Europe-China forum in Nansha, September 2005, the main characteristics and evolutions of public service in Europe were presented through a workshop. Let us remind its main elements. In all European countries, no matter how diverse the terms and concepts used, the qualified territorial echelons (local or national), the mercantile (or not) nature of certain services and types of concerned agents (public, private, joint, associative), public authorities were led to decide that some services could not just follow the sole common law of competition and the sole rules of market, but rather specific rules in order to: guarantee the right for every citizen to access some fundamental goods and services (education, health, transport, communication, etc.) ensure economical, social and territorial cohesion; establish some solidarity create the necessary conditions for a durable development on an economical, social and environmental level; take the long-term perspective and the interests of future generations into account. Those targets and goals of general interest are a common value of Europe. The public services, or services of general interest, represent a key element of the European model of society, characterized by interaction and integration of economical and social progress, making it a social market economy.