

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年04月06日 08:58 新浪财经



  德意志交易所集团是德国的蓝筹企业,是全球领先的证券业服务供应商,为证券发行者, 投资者,中介机构以及数据供应商提供综合全面的产品与服务。德意志证券交易所的业务涵盖了整个有价证券交易的程序链, 从证券交易到结算和委托保管。

  法兰克福证券交易所和世界领先的金融衍生产品交易所Eurex是德意志证券交易所辖下的主要资本市场。德意志证券交易所本身也在法兰克福证券交易所挂牌上市,拥有全球性的股东基础。根据收入和绩效,德意志证券交易所的排名列属于全球交易所之列。集团雇佣了约3000名员工, 遍布欧洲, 亚洲和美国。



  Deutsche Börse AG – Company Profile

  Deutsche Börse Group, a German blue chip company, is a leading service provider to the global securities industry with products and services for issuers, investors, intermediaries and data vendors. The Group covers the entire securities process chain from trading over clearing all the way to settlement and custody.

  The Group’s major markets are the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the world’s leading derivatives exchange Eurex. Deutsche Börse AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and has an international shareholder base. In terms of revenues and results it ranks well above its global peers. The group employs around 3.000 staff, located across Europe, in Asia and the US.

  The Deutsche Börse business model is based on liquidity of stock trading and by thus is align with the interests of the listed company. Due to this Deutsche Börse is offering it`s professional and efficient listing platform and services to facilitate the development of the listed company entering the European market and to meet the need of investors.

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