

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年04月06日 08:53 新浪财经


  邵春阳 合伙人

  电话: (86-21) 52985488 电子邮箱: shaochy@junhe.com


  1995 年11月至1999年1月,邵春阳律师加入英国西盟斯律师行上海办事处,任该办事处的中国法律顾问,业务涉及外国直接投资、证券(包括B股、H股、红筹股发行及香港、伦敦两地上市) 和房地产。此间,在外商投资方面,邵律师代理了数十家欧美及港台的知名公司。

  1999年2月至2002年3月间,邵春阳律师在美国著名律师事务所盛德国际法律事务所(Sidley Austin)上海办事处,任资深法律顾问,业务广泛涉及外国直接投资(包括三资企业的重组、并购与清算)、私募、风险投资、公司融资、境外上市(包括B股、香港主板和创业板及纳斯达克上市)、




  邵春阳律师被Chambers Global(2007)列为世界商事领域领先的律师。

  Chunyang SHAO (Partner)

  Phone: (86-21) 52985488 E-mail: Shaochy@junhe.com

  Mr. Chunyang Shao is a partner of Jun He Law Offices and currently practices at our Shanghai office.

  Practice Areas:Mr. Shao specializes in foreign investment, securities, M&A, corporate and project finance, commercial litigation and arbitration.

  Professional Experience:Mr. Shao joined Jun He in April 2002 and has since handled a number of high profile FDI, H share listings, M&A and infrastructure finance transactions.

  Mr. Shao practiced at Anhui Foreign Economy Law Office from 1988 to 1993, and representing in several major transactions in the areas of direct foreign investment, international trade, and corporate financing, and participated in a few major international arbitration cases. Mr. Shao subsequently worked in the China offices of major international law firms of Simmons & Simmons (as Chinese legal counsel) and Sidley Austin (as a senior legal consultant), involved extensively in foreign investment, securities (including B-share, H-share, and red chips listing on the stock exchange in China, Hong Kong, London and the U.S.), project finance and real estate matters and representing a number of well-known multinational companies.

  Mr. Shao was listed as the “World Leading Lawyers for Business” (2007) by Chambers Global.

  Mr. Shao authored Commercial Bank's Financial Risk Management and Banking Law and published a number of articles on foreign investment.

  Mr. Shao is a frequent speaker at domestic and international seminars and conferences on FDI, securities and M&A.


  LL.M., East-China University of Politics and Law, 2002.

  Participation in Sino-English Young Lawyers' Exchange Program in Great Britain, 1993-1994.

  LL.B., East-China University of Politics and Law, 1987

  Professional Associations:Member of the All-China Bar Association.

  Language Skills:Fluent in English and Mandarin.

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