
演讲嘉宾Keith Coats简介

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年03月28日 16:09 新浪财经

  2007年4月5日至4月7日,由美国马里兰大学史密斯商学院和美国圣地亚哥大学主办的2007全球领导力峰会将在上海举行。主题旨是令各种关于领导力发展的理论和实践相互碰撞,最终实现更卓越的领导力这一共同目标。以下为演讲嘉宾Keith Coats简介:

  Keith Coats

  Keith Coates - guest profile - Print speaker details

  Full Name

  Keith Coates



  Speaker, Leadership

  Preferred Language



  R (available on request)

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  Career Details

  Keith has spent most of his working career in the non-profit, volunteer-based sector. In particular, he was the regional director of an International Youth Development Agency, YfC (Youth for Christ). Academically, Keith has pursued a variety of studies since matriculating in 1975. He holds a BA Degree (Economic History & English), a Diploma in Theology (from Moore Theological College, Australia), a Bachelor of Technology: Child & Youth Development, and has completed several Certified Leadership courses. Keith has lectured in Leadership and Management at the Natal Technikon. Keith is a fellow of the Salzberg Seminars and a sought after international speaker on leadership and human development issues.


  Keith Coats is one of South Africa's leading experts in the fields of human development and leadership. He is a founding partner of a human development consultancy, TomorrowToday.biz, with a particular interest in leadership development and helping people to find their full potential. For more information on the talks that are offered go to ‘’T’’ in our alphabetical search and look under the TomorrowToday.biz banner.


  As you may have expected, [your workshop] has set off an entire new level of communication in our business. Although some of this is new and sometimes a bit scary, we are feeling the impact on the business. Our strategic day was more authentic than any other time in our short history (and totally surpassed expectations). Many deep dark fears surfaced and the level of emotive communication higher than even I (the woman in the team) thought ever possible. The energy in the business has also increased significantly since the workshop and we are making very conscious decisions regarding working with certain clients and even fired a fairly large one. Thank you again for the part you played in moving us to the next level... Susan Spargo, Cebano




  South Africa

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