

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年03月23日 19:20 新浪财经

DRAFT Programme Beijing as of March 12

Seminar on Energy Management and Efficiency, Climate Challenges and

its related technologies


Monday and Tuesday


March 26th – 27th,  2007

Venue: Beijing Raffles Hotel


This seminar is based on the MoU between NDRC and the Norwegian Ministry of Oil and energy, signed September 2006. The focus of this agreement is to promote collaborative efforts related to energy efficiency, renewable energy and environmental technologies.


It has been planned in collaboration between the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise NHO, China Enterprise Confederation CEC, Norwegian Energy and Environmental Consortium neec, Innovation Norway and the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Beijing, with financial support from The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation NORAD.


Participants are invited among Chinese High-level Directors and Technologists from Heavy Industry companies in the Metallurgical and Paper and Pulp sectors, as well as Academic and Government representatives.

Norwegian Companies and speakers are invited from Norwegian Academic, Consulting and technology Companies with Energy and Climate competence and technologies.

Monday, March 26th



Norwegian Participants

0830- 1015

Breakfast meeting for

Norwegian Industry representatives from Norway and China


Norwegian Minister of Industry and Commerce

Dag Terje Andersen

1000 - 1045

Arrival and registration

All other Participants

1040 – 1100

VIP Meeting

VIP - Room

Premiers Stoltenberg and Minister MA Kai NDRC (TBC)

Selected delegates

Opening session, Chair: Commercial Counsellor Idun Christie

1100 - 1115

Key Note Opening address: Climate change,

Environment and Energy Efficiency

Prime Minister Stoltenberg

1115 - 1130

Chinas Energy efficiency Policies and Challenges

NDRC representative (TBC)

1130 - 1140

The energy and climate challenges - role of business

Petter Brubakk, Executive Vice President for Industrial Affairs, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO)

1140 - 1150

Chinese Industry and Energy efficiency

Mr. Zheng Silin, Executive Vice President, China Enterprise Confederation  

1200 -1330        LUNCH Hosted by Ambassador Tor Chr Hildan and IN Dir. Gunn Ovesen

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