

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年09月26日 22:33 新浪财经


  Basic Facts:

  Date: November 16, 2006

  Venue: China Resources Hotel, Beijing

  Organized by:

  In cooperation with the Management Committee of the Zhongguancun Development Zone in Beijing’s Haidian District (China’s Silicon Valley); China’s Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry’s Torch Hi-Tech Industry Development Center

  Organizing Sponsor: The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China

  Lead Media Sponsors: China Central Television (CTTV) and Beijing Television

  China Electronics News, China Value

  Exclusive Website Sponsor: www.sina.com

  Exclusive International Web TV Sponsor: US Web TV

  Highlights of the 2006 ZPark Forum:

  ·This year’s Forum will bring together Chinese government officials, Chinese and international financial services firms, and the senior executives of over 400 privately-owned Chinese SME companies.

  ·SME attendees will be introduced to innovative new financial techniques including those relevant to doing business outside of China, raising funds, and making acquisitions.

  ·Attendees will learn first-hand from Chinese government officials about Chinese government funding for SME innovation.

  ·The Focus will be on the full range of SME activity from Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) to Agribusiness, Auto Parts and other Manufacturing, Metallurgy, New Energy, the Environment, and New Energy, and Pharmaceuticals among others.

  ·Prestigious Awards Ceremony. The Presentation of Special Awards to 10 SMEs for their innovative contribution to China’s rural development.

  ·Extensive Media Coverage will also extend the Forum’s reach to thousands of SME executives across China and beyond.


  ·Government. Chinese Government Officials from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Information Industry, and other ministries supporting China’s dynamic SME sector will be invited.

  ·SME. Over 400 Senior Executives of China’s most dynamic private SMEs in Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) to Agribusiness, Auto Parts and other Manufacturing, Metallurgy, New Energy, the Environment, and New Energy, and Pharmaceuticals among other sectors.

  ·Financial Services. The Senior Executives of Chinese and international banks, investment firms, other financial services providers, and related professionals with an interest in the development of China’s SME sector. Officials of the China Development Bank, the Export-Import Bank of China, China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation, International Finance Corporation (IMF) of the World Bank, BNP Paribas, the Business Development Bank, CDC Capital Partners, CDH Investments, Draper Fisher Jurvetson ePlanet Ventures, the German Investment and Development Cooperation., Hina Group , IDGVC, IMC Capital Group, the Industrialization Fund For Developing Countries, Maple Valley Investment Limited, JPMorgan Chase, Orano Investments Fund, Orchid Asia Group, PPF, Sequoia Capital China, the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation Pte Ltd, Standard Chartered Bank, UBS, Vertex Group, WI Harper Group are among the invited attendees.

  ·Other Special Guests and Sponsoring Organizations. Other Special Guests, Speakers, and Attendees will include Patrick Hurley, Chairman of the Association of Corporate Growth (ACG), the U.S.’ largest association of SME firms and US financial services firms advising the SME sector, David Diebold & Associates (H.K.) Limited, and the European Chamber of Commerce in China.

  For More Information:

  Contact International Financing Magazine by email at luntan0138@sina.com, by telephone at +86 10 6800 1738,6800 1739, or 68000079, by fax at +86-10-68001740, or by mail at Room 368,No.2 Building, No. 6, Chegongzhuang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing 100044, P.R.China.

  Additional information is available at www.ifmbj.com.cn

  Information on last year’s 2005 Z-Park International Financing Forum is available at finance.sina.com.cn/focus/zpark

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