宜游无锡 太湖明珠(中英文对照)http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年08月31日 19:59 新浪财经
无锡,中国长三角地区著名国际化新型都市,位于风景绝美的太湖湖畔,有“东方芝加哥”的称号。 2005年,GDP位居全中国第九名,并仍保持强劲的增长势头,是中国最具活力的城市之一。 2005年,在无锡市政府的大力扶持下,中国最新首富——施正荣及其无锡尚德集团在此诞生。 另外,中国近代首富,以荣毅仁为代表的荣氏家族诞生于此。 改革开放以来,无锡还培育了华西村——中国第一富村。 中国近代工业的发源地,交通便利,距离上海车程仅1个多小时。 中国古代第一美女西施最终选择之地。 无锡市人民政府也在创新创富的过程中充当了培育者与先行者的角色。 总之,无锡潜藏着孕育巨富的巨大能量。无论是从城市的硬件设施,还是从城市的经济、人文等大背景来说,选址无锡,无疑是对本届峰会主题——繁荣亚太,创新为本的最佳诠释。 希望您在这个商机无限的地方找到更好得发展平台,也相信伴随着“2006亚太总裁与省市长国际合作峰会”在无锡的召开,无锡的明天一定会更美好! The Introduction of the host city: Wu Xi of China As a famous globalized and new-style city in the delta region of China, Wuxi lies in the lakefront of the scenic TaiHu Lake, and enjoys the title of "Chicago in the Orient”. In 2005, with its GDP ranking the 9th place in China, Wu Xi maintains its momentum of growth and becomes one of the most prosperous cities in China. In 2005, with the support of Wu Xi government, the latest most fortune Chinese man: Shi Zhengrong and his Wu Xi Suntech. Group came into being. In addition, the Chinese most fortune family in the modern history: The Rong family represented by Rong Yiren is also from Wu Xi. Since the reform and opening-up, Wu Xi has fostered the Hua Xi village: The richest village in China. Wu Xi is the origin of modern industry of China. With its convenient transportation, it merely needs over one-hour to drive to Shanghai. The girl named Xi Shi in ancient China who is as beautiful as Helen also chose to live in Wu Xi in the end. And also the People’s Government of Wuxi plays the role of nurser and pioneer in the process of creating wealth. All in all, Wuxi has enormous potential energy for generating wealth. Either in terms of the city’s hardware facility, or in terms of the city’s economic and cultural background, Wuxi illustrates the theme of this summit best--- Innovation & Prosperity of the Asia-Pacific. Wish you have a bright future in the area which is full of business opportunities. We believe Wuxi will keep developing at this speed or even in a faster way.
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