2006亚太总裁与省市长国际合作峰会介绍http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年08月21日 20:29 新浪财经
亚太总裁与省市长国际合作峰会简介 一、峰会性质 亚太总裁与省市长国际合作峰会是由国际著名经济组织亚太总裁协会与亚太地区政府部门、国际政要、著名企业总裁以及著名经济学家发起的全球唯一旨在建立省市长与总裁的长效稳定联系机制,促进亚太地区总裁与地方行政高官交流与合作的最高层次半封闭式会议。 国际主办机构:亚太总裁协会(APCEO) 2005年中国主办单位:中国商务部投资促进事务局 2006年中国主办单位:中国江苏省无锡市人民政府 二、 峰会理念 通过总裁与省市长的密切交流和精诚合作,促进亚太地区经济发展、社会进步。 三、 峰会定位 建立省市长与总裁的长效稳定联系机制,促进亚太地区总裁与地方行政高官交流与合作。 四、 峰会宗旨 促进经济合作、贸易合作、投资合作、技术合作、管理合作、品牌合作,促进城市建设与发展合作、区域发展合作。此外,峰会还为亚太地区的慈善及公益事业做出应有的贡献。 五、 峰会口号: 合作 创新 财富 资本 亚太总裁与省市长国际合作峰会组委会 (中国)联络方式: 电话: +86-10-64987220传真:+86-10-64973173 电邮: contact@ap-summit.org网站:www.ap-summit.org 地址: 中国北京市亚运村阳光广场D1-18楼邮编:100101 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION SUMMIT FOR ASIA-PACIFIC CEOS & PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS AND MAYORS PROFILE What is International Cooperation Summit for Asia-Pacific CEOs & provincial governors and Mayors? International Cooperation Summit for Asia-Pacific CEOs & provincial governors and Mayors, launched by Asia-Pacific CEO Association, regional governments and officials in Asia-pacific area, International Statesmen, renowned entrepreneurs as well as famous scholars and experts aims at establishing a long-term effective cooperation mechanism between CEOs and provincial governors and mayors. It is the sole global semi-closed conference for the purpose of promoting exchanges and cooperation between high-level government administrators and CEOs in Asia-Pacific region. International host institution: ASIA-PACIFIC CEO ASSOCIATION Host institution, 2005 China:The Investment Promotion Agency of Ministry of Commerce, P.R.C Host institution, 2006 China: Wuxi Municipal Government, Jiangsu Province, P.R.C. IDEA Promote economic prosperity and social progress through close exchanges and sincere cooperation between CEOs and provincial governors and mayors in Asia-Pacific regions. POSITIONING International Cooperation Summit for Asia-Pacific CEOs & provincial governors and Mayors will establish an effective long-term stable cooperation mechanism so as to promote exchanges and cooperation between CEOs and provincial governors and mayors. OBJECTIVE International Cooperation Summit for Asia-Pacific CEOs & provincial governors and Mayors aims to promote cooperation in the field of economy, trade, investment, technology, management, brand, urban construction and development as well as regional development. In addition this summit will also contribute to charity cause and public welfare in Asia-Pacific region. SLOGAN COOPERATION, INNOVATION, FORTUNE, CAPITAL Contact us The Organizing Committee of International Cooperation Summit for Asia-Pacific CEOs & provincial governors and Mayors (China Office) Tel: +86-10-64987220 Fax: +86-10-64973173 E-mail: contact@ap-summit.org Website: www.ap-summit.org Address: D1-18 F , Sunshine Plaza , No 68 Anli Road , Chaoyang District , Beijing, P .R. China. Post code:100101
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