200亚洲未上市公司入围Red Herring亚洲100
http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年07月26日 16:32 新浪财经
Red Herring 今天正式宣布200家亚洲优秀的未上市公司入围每年一次的“Red Herring 亚洲 100”的评选。此次评选总共接收了来自亚洲的600多家公司的有效申请。这些公司集中在电信,web2.0,软件,硬件,生物科技和能源等相关领域,遍布西至土耳其、哈萨克斯坦,南至澳大利亚、新西兰, 东到日本、韩国以及涵盖中国、印度、东南亚。
接下来的“Red Herring 亚洲 100” 百强名单会在近期揭晓,将于8月28-30日在香港四季酒店庆贺Red Herring 亚洲 100的入选公司,并同期举办Red Herring亚太投资高峰论坛 。Red Herring 亚洲100强的宗旨是评选出在亚洲高科技领域最具前瞻性的100名未上市公司并把他们推向世界的舞台。此奖项迄今为止评选了两届,评选的依据主要是科技创新,管理团队,市场现状,投资情况,消费需求和财务状况。 在经济全球化的今天,获奖企业将不但获得来自全球科技业的关注,同时这项殊荣将为他们带来来自世界各地的客户、供应商以及投资人。去年获此殊荣并成功上市的公司有如无锡尚德太阳能和中星微电子,成功并融资并兼其他公司的有如芯原微电子、千橡和网友等等。
今年当选公司的执行总裁(CEO)将被邀请在Red Herring 亚洲 100的会议上作简短的演讲。250位上市公司决策者、私有企业总裁以及风险投资家将汇集一堂,聆听他们的经验, 交流各自的想法。本次会议的主题是“亚洲科技创新”,目前已经吸引了大量来自欧美的著名风险投资家和知名的世界级企业的CEO们。
Red Herring 杂志总编约·德莱福斯说,“亚洲创新企业的涌现让世界为之改变,因为这些创新以及令人尊敬的公司的出现已经活跃在全球的舞台上并扮演了至关重要的角色”。
Red Herring组织的会议被业界誉为对过去,现在和未来的全球科技趋势和科技突破具有敏锐和预见的影响力。行业领袖,风险投资,企业家以及Red Herring的团队在促进和发展的精神下团结在一起鼓励商业的联盟并为创新和投资搭建平台。
如需了解更多 RedHerring亚洲100,请访问http:www.redherringasia.com
关于Red Herring
Red Herring 杂志被业界誉为投资风向标杂志。Red Herring 是面向科技领域的企业家、投资者及行业观察者的科技周刊,主要为他们提供最新、最及时的全球市场资讯。Red Herring 以独特的视角、深刻的洞察力报道和分析科技创新、金融策略、行业动态以及将在世界经济发展过程中起到重要推动和改变作用的企业和企业家。其极具前瞻性的分析在帮助读者制定发展策略、建立和发展企业及创造核心竞争力方面起到了重要的作用。
作为 "Red Herring Asia 100" 的战略合作伙伴,新华美通帮助入围企业提高其全球影响力。新华美通可以有效地将企业的新闻稿发布至全球范围内的24,000多个媒体以及逾百万的投资者。这次入选的很多企业,如上海捷银、上海杰得微电子、Cgogo、土豆网、易宝等,都一直在使用新华美通的服务,把有关它们的重大进展的信息及时传递给媒体,投资人和大众。新华美通拥有美通社的在全球135个国家的媒体网络的支持,已经被亚洲地区近千家公司选为可以信赖的独家新闻稿发布机构。
详情请联系: 亚洲:+86 10 85911166 美国:+1 650 321 5544
Company |
Country |
Industry |
24/7 Customer |
India |
Outsourcing |
24X7 Learning |
India |
Software |
51.com |
China |
Internet and services |
51show |
China |
Internet and services |
9You |
China |
Internet and services |
abKey |
Singapore |
Computing |
ACL Wireless |
India |
Communications |
Actela |
Korea |
Security |
Advanced Radio Engineering |
India |
Communications |
Aidi Communications |
Japan |
Semiconductors |
Aigo |
China |
Computing |
Airoha |
Taiwan |
Semiconductor |
Allyes AdNetwrok |
China |
Internet and services |
Antig |
Taiwan |
Energy |
AppLabs |
India |
Software |
ASKnLearn |
Singapore |
Internet and services |
Aurigo Software Technology |
India |
Business software |
Avesthagen |
India |
Biosciences |
Axstone |
Korea |
Communications |
Baihe Online Technology |
China |
Internet and services |
bbmao.com |
China |
Internet and services |
Bluebird Soft |
Korea |
Computing |
Britesoft Solutions |
Malaysia |
Software |
BuzzCity |
Singapore |
Internet and services |
CGen media |
China |
Entertainment and media |
Cgogo |
China |
Internet and services |
China Broadband Communications |
China |
Communications |
China Data Group |
China |
Outsourcing |
ChineseAll |
China |
Internet and services |
Chipnuts |
China |
Semiconductor |
CinemaChoice |
China |
Internet and services |
ClearTrail Technologies |
India |
Communications |
Clipcomm |
Korea |
Communications |
ColorME |
China |
Internet and services |
Comat Technologies |
India |
Software |
Comsenz |
China |
Internet and services |
Converge Labs |
India |
Communications |
Coruscant Tec |
India |
Internet and services |
Creative Mobile |
Korea |
Communications |
China |
Internet and services |
Daumsoft |
Korea |
Internet and services |
dianping.com |
China |
Internet and services |
DideoNET |
Korea |
Communications |
Dratek |
China |
Internet and services |
Drishtee Dot Com |
India |
Software and services |
DynaScan |
China |
Entertainment and Media |
EC Navi |
Japan |
Internet and services |
eDuShi |
China |
Internet and services |
eInfochips |
India |
Semiconductor |
Encore Software |
India |
Software |
Enovation |
Australia |
Business software |
Ensoltek |
Korea |
Biosciences |
India |
Communications |
Euglena |
Japan |
Biosciences |
Evalueserve |
India |
Outsourcing |
eWarna |
Malaysia |
Internet and services |
Exist Software Engineering |
Philippines |
Business software |
gammaStar |
China |
Biosciences |
Gbaopan.com |
China |
Storage |
Geotude |
Malaysia |
Internet and services |
GetData |
Australia |
Security |
GigaDevice Semi |
China |
Semiconductor |
Gmedia |
China |
Communications |
GNI Ltd. |
Japan |
Biosciences |
GoPets |
Korea |
Entertainment and media |
Gpans |
Korea |
Security |
Hansun Tech |
China |
Internet and services |
HiChina |
China |
Internet and services |
hoodong |
China |
Internet and services |
Huanxin |
China |
Internet and services |
Hurix Systems |
India |
Software and services |
Hutchison MediPharma |
China |
Biosciences |
China |
Services |
i1 |
China |
Business software |
IamEmo |
Australia |
Communications |
Icon Lab |
Korea |
Communications |
Ideamov |
China |
Communications |
Imagis |
Korea |
Semiconductor |
IndiaIdeas.com |
India |
Internet and services |
China |
Entertainment and media |
Infozech |
India |
Communications |
Korea |
Entertainment and Media |
Innoviti Embedded |
India |
Communications |
Innoxius |
Singapore |
Communications |
InstaColl |
India |
Business software |
Intellicus Technologies |
India |
Business software |
iSoftStone |
China |
Outsourcing |
i-Sprint Innovations |
Singapore |
Security |
iVista |
India |
Software and services |
iWOW |
Singapore |
Communications |
Jade Technologies |
China |
Semiconductors |
Jataayu Software |
India |
Communications |
KaiTone |
China |
Communications |
LDK Solar Hi-Tech |
China |
Solar |
Linguamatix |
Malaysia |
Internet and services |
Madhouse |
China |
Internet and services |
Majitek |
Australia |
Computing |
MakeMyTrip |
India |
Internet and services |
MassMedia Studios |
Australia |
Internet and services |
Mauj Telecom |
India |
Communications |
McubeWorks |
Korea |
Communications |
MetricStream |
India |
Business software |
Miartech |
China |
Semiconductor |
midas |
India |
Communications |
MindTree Consulting |
India |
Outsourcing |
Mobile2win |
India |
Internet and services |
MobilityOne |
Malaysia |
Internet and services |
Mofile |
China |
Internet and services |
Morpho, Inc |
Japan |
Software |
Mostitech |
Korea |
Computing |
Korea |
Computing |
MyZus |
India |
Communications |
Nano Carrier |
Japan |
Biotech |
Nano Fusion |
Japan |
Energy |
Naukri.com |
India |
Internet and services |
Naviblog |
Japan |
Internet and services |
Nayio Media |
Korea |
Internet and services |
NeoAccel |
India |
Communications |
NetAlter |
India |
Internet and services |
Netinfinium Technologies |
Malaysia |
Communications |
NetMagic Solutions |
India |
Outsourcing |
Netpia |
Korea |
Internet and services |
new rock tech |
China |
Communications |
Newgen Software |
India |
Software |
n-Logue Communications |
India |
Internet and services |
Noah Education |
China |
Computing |
Novatium Solutions |
India |
Computing |
Oak Pacific Interactive |
China |
Internet and services |
Ocimum Biosolutions |
India |
Biosciences |
PayEase |
China |
Internet and services |
Peering Portal |
Korea |
Software |
Pentamicro |
Korea |
Semiconductor |
People Interactive |
India |
Internet and services |
Persistent Systems |
India |
Software |
Personal Computer to Network |
China |
Software |
Phi Microtech |
Japan |
Semiconductors |
PI R&D |
Japan |
Electronics |
Pinstorm |
India |
Internet and services |
PIVoD Technologies |
Australia |
Entertainment and Media |
Korea |
Internet and services |
Powai Labs |
India |
Semiconductors |
Pulse |
Australia |
Internet and services |
Korea |
Semiconductor |
Rock Mobile |
China |
Communications/wireless |
Shanghai Hintsoft |
China |
Internet and services |
Shanghai Nanamimi |
China |
Internet and services |
Shanghai Sunway |
China |
Biosciences |
shenzhen horizon |
China |
Internet and services |
SiBiono GeneTech |
China |
Biosciences |
silk road |
China |
COmmunications |
SIMmersion Holdings |
Australia |
Software |
Singular ID |
Singapore |
Nanotech |
SkyWave |
Japan |
Communications |
SmartPay Jieyin |
China |
Internet and services |
SoftJin |
India |
Semiconductors |
SoftRun |
Korea |
Computing |
SoGua |
China |
Internet and services |
sss |
China |
Internet and services |
Str8Up |
China/USA |
Internet and services |
Sun Wah Linux |
China |
Software |
SunTec Business Solutions |
India |
Software |
Symbio |
China |
Outsourcing |
Syscan Digital Systems |
China |
Internet and services |
Taiwan Liposome Company |
Taiwan |
Biosciences |
TechnoDex |
Malaysia |
Software |
Teledata Informatics |
India |
Software |
TELiBrahma |
India |
Communications-mobile |
tenCube Pte. Ltd. |
Singapore |
Handsets |
Teruten |
Korea |
Security |
Thin Multimedia |
Korea |
Communications |
tianji.com |
China |
Internet and services |
Tmsuk |
Japan |
Computing |
Tomato LSI |
Korea |
Semiconductors |
Toodou |
China |
Internet and services |
Toonz Animation |
India |
Entertainment and Media |
Trinity |
Japan |
Security |
Trusted Delivery |
Singapore |
Security |
Ubicod |
Korea |
Media and entertainment |
Ultra Chip |
Taiwan |
Semiconductors |
Vembu |
India |
Computing-storage |
veredus laboratories |
Singapore |
Biosciences |
VietnamWorks |
Vietnam |
Internet and services |
WaaWoo |
Korea |
Computing |
China |
Internet and services |
Wayz Japan |
Japan |
Business software |
Wealink |
China |
Internet and services |
Winitech |
Korea |
Business software |
WITS Interactive |
India |
Internet and services |
Worksoft Creative Software |
China |
Services |
WSO2 |
Sri Lanka |
Business software |
XCome |
Taiwan |
Communications |
XPlus |
China |
Internet and services |
xueda |
China |
Internet and services |
xunlei |
China |
Internet and services |
YASU Technologies |
India |
Business software |
YeePay |
China |
Internet and services |
YiCha Online |
China |
Internet and services |
YourAmigo |
Australia |
Internet and services |
zhongsou |
China |
Internet and services |
Zio Interactive |
Korea |
Entertainment and media |