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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年02月08日 21:03 新浪财经

  Wilfred K. P. Tsui

  Mr. Tsui is a Partner of the PRC Department of Messrs. Gallant Y.T. Ho & Co. and the Chief Representative of the firm's Guangzhou office. Since he joined the firm in 1993, he had worked extensively on PRC related matters ranging from setting up representative offices to establishing joint ventures as well as
acquiring interests for clients in PRC joint ventures. Mr. Tsui had represented and negotiated on behalf of clients in more than 30 real estate projects covering all major cities in China. Mr. Tsui also advised and designed loan documentation for banking institutions both in Hong Kong and China for financing real estate and infrastructural projects in China. Mr. Tsui has often been invited by government and financial institutions in China to deliver talks in seminars on various aspects of company law, mergers and acquisitions, banking finance, PRC real estate transactions and notarization of documents in Hong Kong for use in China.





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