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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年02月08日 20:58 新浪财经

  Tyler Chan 泰勒陈 通用集团进出口信用证结算部高级副总

  Senior Vice President

  GE Corporate

  Trading & Licensing

  Tyler received his Master of International Management degree from the Garvin School of Business (formerly, American Graduate School of International Management) in Arizona. He then joined GE’s Technical Sales Training Program while he managed GE’s first Special Trade program in China under which a considerable amount of hard currency was generated through exports of Chinese commodity to facilitate China’s purchase of power plants.


  As Program Director of GE Corporate – Trading & Licensing in 1990 after he completed Technical Sales Training Program, Tyler’s expanded work scope covered GE’s company-to-country Industrial & Commercial Cooperation Programs in South Korea, Australia, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Spain, Denmark, Turkey & Canada. The objective of Industrial & Commercial Cooperation Programs between GE and host governments was for GE to assist in host countries’ Growth Plan in targeted industries while GE supplied critical equipment to these countries in fulfillment of their national development needs.



  He was named Senior Vice President in early 2004. Presently, He is actively structuring company-to-company Industrial & Commercial Cooperation Programs between GE and private industries as mutually-benefited arrangements. This type of arrangement is being viewed by GE Customers as Engine to help them grow technologically and economically while it is a Sales Enhancement Tools for GE’s equipment and financial services sales.




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