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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年04月06日 13:48 新浪财经
Rank Name Country Industry Sales
Market Value
601 Nippon Mining Japan Oil & gas operations 23.35 0.47 14.64 6.37
602 Assoc British Foods United Kingdom Food, drink & tobacco 9.92 0.59 10.25 12.13
602 Chugoku Electric Power Japan Utilities 9.44 0.44 24.1 7.9
604 Suncorp-Metway Australia Diversified financials 4.96 0.62 36.94 8.41
605 Syngenta Switzerland Chemicals 7.69 0.59 10.64 14.84
606 Franklin Resources United States Diversified financials 4.51 1.14 8.89 26.51
607 Northern Trust United States Banking 3.62 0.59 53.42 11.51
608 Mitsubishi Heavy Inds Japan Capital goods 24.17 0.04 35.65 15.93
609 Asahi Kasei Japan Chemicals 12.85 0.53 11.75 9.34
610 Korea Exchange Bank South Korea Banking 4.63 0.51 60.79 9.3
611 CBS United States Media 14.54 -7.09 49.55 18.9
612 Aiful Japan Diversified financials 4.83 0.71 23.98 9.52
613 BPVN Group Italy Banking 4.23 0.56 72.05 8.92
614 Chesapeake Energy United States Oil & gas operations 4.67 0.95 16.12 10.99
615 Bank of Communications China Banking 4.98 0.19 137.76 27.75
616 UPM-Kymmene Finland Materials 11.05 0.31 17.95 11.1
617 Corning United States Technology hardware & equipment 4.58 0.59 11.18 37.49
618 Orkla Norway Food, drink & tobacco 8.19 0.86 11.04 9.02
619 Adecco Switzerland Business services & supplies 23.35 0.45 8.45 10.28
620 Nintendo Japan Consumer durables 4.81 0.82 10.47 19.06
621 Bunge Bermuda Food, drink & tobacco 24.28 0.53 11.45 6.32
622 Fortune Brands United States Conglomerates 6.73 0.58 13.2 11.32
622 MGM Mirage United States Hotels, restaurants & leisure 6.48 0.44 20.7 10.63
624 Ahold Netherlands Food markets 70.56 -0.59 27.27 12.67
625 Heineken Holding Netherlands Food, drink & tobacco 12.76 0.45 13.64 8.53
626 US Steel United States Materials 14.04 0.91 9.82 6.22
627 Nationwide Financial United States Insurance 4.34 0.6 116.16 6.56
628 AmSouth Bancorp United States Banking 3.4 0.73 52.61 9.67
629 Accor France Hotels, restaurants & leisure 9.6 0.32 15.62 12.43
630 Boston Scientific United States Health care equipment & services 6.28 0.63 8.2 20.01
631 Lyondell Chemical United States Chemicals 18.61 0.53 14.94 5.16
632 BPU Banca Italy Banking 4.85 0.39 86.33 8.64
632 Hannover Re Germany Insurance 11.91 0.42 41.54 4.58
634 Fidelity National Finl United States Insurance 9.67 0.96 11.1 6.53
635 Enbridge Canada Oil & gas operations 7.27 0.48 14.68 11
636 Al Rajhi Bank Saudi Arabia Banking 1.38 0.78 20.76 93.64
637 Kroger United States Food markets 59.53 0.03 20.58 14.53
638 Nikko Cordial Japan Diversified financials 3.2 0.44 61.29 15.48
639 Cez Czech Republic Utilities 4.48 0.58 12.54 20.67
640 Alcan Canada Materials 21.1 0.13 25.71 16.25
641 L-3 Communications United States Aerospace & defense 9.44 0.51 11.59 9.93
642 EFG Eurobank Ergasias Greece Banking 3.56 0.5 43.09 12.5
643 Rohm and Haas United States Chemicals 7.99 0.64 9.73 11.02
644 PPG Industries United States Chemicals 10.2 0.6 8.68 10.02
644 Sovereign Bancorp United States Banking 3.57 0.68 63.68 7.8
646 Celesio Germany Health care equipment & services 25.99 0.46 8.75 7.9
647 Toppan Printing Japan Media 13.19 0.38 13.75 8.49
648 China Steel Taiwan Materials 6.04 1.62 8.15 9.53
648 Toray Industries Japan Household & personal products 12.12 0.32 12.87 10.89
650 Sandvik Sweden Capital goods 7.96 0.76 7.49 12.76
651 Autostrade Italy Transportation 3.89 0.58 18.54 14.6
652 Monsanto United States Chemicals 6.63 0.35 11.34 22.57
653 Nexen Canada Oil & gas operations 4.11 0.99 12.19 13.66
654 Ko? Group Turkey Conglomerates 16.48 0.38 13.98 7
655 TJX Cos United States Retailing 16.06 0.69 5.5 11.41
656 Icici Bank India Banking 3.9 0.42 40.81 12.33
657 Inditex Spain Household & personal products 7.39 0.82 5.49 22.39
658 Jefferson-Pilot United States Insurance 4.22 0.58 36.08 8.07
659 IAC/InterActiveCorp United States Retailing 5.75 0.67 13.92 9.34
659 Simon Property Group United States Diversified financials 3.17 0.61 21.13 18.3
661 Campbell Soup United States Food, drink & tobacco 7.63 0.8 7.15 12.7
662 Assurant United States Insurance 7.5 0.48 25.37 6.02
663 McGraw-Hill Cos United States Media 6 0.84 6.4 19.79
664 Pearson United Kingdom Media 7.04 0.55 12.4 9.99
665 Atlas Copco Sweden Capital goods 6.63 0.77 6.8 15.49
666 Marshall & Ilsley United States Banking 3.01 0.73 46.21 10.1
667 Kao Japan Household & personal products 8.74 0.67 6.27 14.84
668 IFIL Italy Diversified financials 70.39 0.16 85.69 5.44
669 Acom Japan Diversified financials 4.05 0.76 19.37 9.69
670 Femsa Mexico Food, drink & tobacco 8.4 0.52 10.72 10.31
671 Coles Myer Australia Food markets 27.39 0.47 6.79 9.06
672 BOC Group United Kingdom Chemicals 6.62 0.65 8.17 13.56
673 Belgacom Belgium Telecommunications services 7.35 1.25 6.64 10.37
673 Scottish Power United Kingdom Utilities 12.95 -0.58 27.12 18.89
675 Baoshan Iron & Steel China Materials 7.05 1.13 7.75 9.47
676 Novo Nordisk Denmark Drugs & biotechnology 5.35 0.93 6.51 21.13
676 United Utilities United Kingdom Utilities 4.26 0.63 19.11 10.43
678 Daiwa House Industry Japan Construction 12.74 0.38 11.97 8.84
679 Banca Antonveneta Italy Banking 4.1 0.38 60.87 9.73
680 Seagate Technology Cayman Islands Technology hardware & equipment 8.54 1.07 5.43 12.95
681 H&M Hennes & Mauritz Sweden Retailing 7.57 1.14 4.1 30.15
682 Toyota Tsusho Japan Trading companies 31.17 0.35 11.16 6.52
683 Qantas Airways Australia Transportation 9.63 0.58 13.8 5.88
683 Tokyu Japan Transportation 9.85 0.33 19.26 7.43
685 Yum Brands United States Hotels, restaurants & leisure 9.35 0.76 5.7 13.64
686 Oji Paper Japan Materials 11.06 0.4 14.89 6.97
687 Oversea-Chinese Banking Singapore Banking 2.26 0.71 73.43 13.07
688 Mediobanca Italy Diversified financials 2.4 0.65 45.6 16.67
688 Murphy Oil United States Oil & gas operations 11.88 0.85 6.37 8.7
690 CLP Holdings Hong Kong/China Utilities 3.96 1.11 10.4 13.8
691 Liberty Media United States Media 8.01 0.05 41.94 23.17
692 Starwood Hotels United States Hotels, restaurants & leisure 5.98 0.42 12.45 13.92
693 Anglo Irish Bank Ireland Banking 2.83 0.6 57.96 11.12
694 Industrial Bank of Korea South Korea Banking 5.13 0.36 73.34 6.72
695 Pepsi Bottling Group United States Food, drink & tobacco 11.89 0.47 11.52 7.02
696 Malayan Banking Malaysia Banking 2.71 0.66 50.26 11.32
697 Safeco United States Insurance 6.35 0.69 14.89 6.37
698 United Microelectronics Taiwan Semiconductors 4.06 1 11.72 11.26
699 Tribune United States Media 5.6 0.53 14.55 9.43
700 Hanson United Kingdom Construction 6.38 0.67 11.13 8.77
数据来源:Forbes.com  制表:新浪财经 2006-04-06

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