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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年04月06日 13:38 新浪财经
Rank Name Country Industry Sales
Market Value
1 Citigroup United States Banking 120.32 24.64 1,494.04 230.93
2 General Electric United States Conglomerates 149.7 16.35 673.3 348.45
3 Bank of America United States Banking 85.39 16.47 1,291.80 184.17
4 American Intl Group United States Insurance 106.98 11.9 843.4 172.24
5 HSBC Group United Kingdom Banking 76.38 12.36 1,274.22 193.32
6 ExxonMobil United States Oil & gas operations 328.21 36.13 208.34 362.53
7 Royal Dutch/Shell Group Netherlands Oil & gas operations 306.73 25.31 216.95 203.52
8 BP United Kingdom Oil & gas operations 249.47 22.63 206.91 225.93
9 JPMorgan Chase United States Banking 79.9 8.48 1,198.94 144.13
10 UBS Switzerland Diversified financials 78.25 10.65 1,519.40 105.69
11 ING Group Netherlands Diversified financials 137.11 8.52 1,369.55 81.43
12 Toyota Motor Japan Consumer durables 173.09 10.93 227.05 175.54
13 Wal-Mart Stores United States Retailing 312.43 11.23 138.17 188.86
14 Royal Bank of Scotland United Kingdom Banking 55.05 8.66 1,119.90 106.41
15 Total France Oil & gas operations 144.94 14.51 125.47 154.74
16 Chevron United States Oil & gas operations 184.92 14.1 124.81 126.8
17 BNP Paribas France Banking 60.9 6.33 1,227.95 77.73
18 Berkshire Hathaway United States Diversified financials 76.33 6.74 196.71 133.67
19 Banco Santander Spain Banking 44.81 E 8.54 956.39 91.34
20 Barclays United Kingdom Banking 47.87 5.92 1,587.06 75.99
21 Procter & Gamble United States Household & personal products 61.68 7.79 136.52 197.12
22 ConocoPhillips United States Oil & gas operations 162.41 13.62 107 83.99
23 IBM United States Technology hardware & equipment 91.13 7.97 105.75 126.74
24 HBOS United Kingdom Banking 51.74 5.87 850.06 71.25
25 Verizon Commun United States Telecommunications services 75.11 7.4 168.13 93.18
26 Wells Fargo United States Banking 40.41 7.67 481.74 107.8
27 Altria Group United States Food, drink & tobacco 68.92 10.44 107.95 149.57
28 AXA Group France Insurance 115.2 3.42 641.88 66.12
29 Allianz Worldwide Germany Insurance 124.41 2.98 1,300.65 65.55
30 Credit Suisse Group Switzerland Diversified financials 68.31 4.44 951.57 60.15
31 ENI Italy Oil & gas operations 83.09 9.87 91.03 114.42
32 Nippon Tel & Tel Japan Telecommunications services 100.82 6.63 167.67 60.38
33 E.ON Germany Utilities 66.67 8.75 152.92 72.48
33 Morgan Stanley United States Diversified financials 52.08 4.89 898.52 63.1
33 Pfizer United States Drugs & biotechnology 51.3 8.11 117.57 192.05
36 Merrill Lynch United States Diversified financials 47.78 5.12 681.02 70.69
37 Fannie Mae United States Diversified financials 52.46 7.69 989.34 52.93
38 Fortis Netherlands Diversified financials 81.48 4.56 773.22 45.74
39 Deutsche Telekom Germany Telecommunications services 78.53 6.29 146.28 66.22
39 Wachovia United States Banking 35.91 6.64 520.76 88.42
41 ABN-Amro Holding Netherlands Banking 50.03 E 5.18 1,041.14 54.74
42 Goldman Sachs Group United States Diversified financials 43.39 5.63 706.8 61.77
43 Soci¨¦t¨¦ G¨¦n¨¦rale Group France Banking 49.68 4.44 815.33 61.45
44 Mizuho Financial Japan Banking 27.96 5.85 1,325.23 93.81
45 DaimlerChrysler Germany Consumer durables 177.04 3.36 245.86 56.45
46 Cr¨¦dit Agricole France Banking 81.1 2.99 1,105.36 54.73
47 Lloyds TSB Group United Kingdom Banking 52.38 4.28 532.22 54.33
48 Samsung Electronics South Korea Semiconductors 79.18 10.42 66.01 104.22
49 AT&T United States Telecommunications services 43.86 4.79 145.63 107.04
50 Nestl¨¦ Switzerland Food, drink & tobacco 76.11 5.89 75.13 113.92
51 Petrobras-Petr¨®leo Brasil Brazil Oil & gas operations 58.43 10.15 76.64 99.82
52 PetroChina China Oil & gas operations 46.95 12.43 73.68 172.23
53 Gazprom Russia Oil & gas operations 36.47 7.24 104.56 184.37
54 France Telecom France Telecommunications services 57.96 6.75 116.23 56.62
55 Microsoft United States Software & services 41.36 13.06 67.26 279.02
56 Deutsche Bank Group Germany Diversified financials 29.82 4.47 1,134.83 57.84
57 Johnson & Johnson United States Drugs & biotechnology 50.51 10.41 56.57 171.51
58 BBVA-Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Spain Banking 28.21 4.5 463.82 69.05
58 Sanofi-aventis France Drugs & biotechnology 32.28 7.49 102.43 119.37
60 MetLife United States Insurance 44.78 4.71 481.65 37.94
61 Siemens Group Germany Conglomerates 90.68 2.7 96.01 81.7
62 Mitsubishi UFJ Finl Japan Banking 23.5 3.16 1,024.44 143.01
63 Honda Motor Japan Consumer durables 80.71 4.54 85.72 54.65
64 Electricit¨¦ de France France Utilities 63.68 1.82 201.32 94.94
65 China Construction Bk China Banking 19.4 5.92 472.32 104.98
65 Nissan Motor Japan Consumer durables 80.02 4.78 90.72 47.26
67 Hewlett-Packard United States Technology hardware & equipment 87.9 2.68 74.41 93.08
68 Time Warner United States Media 43.65 2.91 122.48 79.37
69 Generali Group Italy Insurance 88.95 1.78 372.35 45.45
70 Zurich Financial Services Switzerland Insurance 64.93 2.81 320.72 33.97
71 Home Depot United States Retailing 81.51 5.84 44.48 89.53
72 RWE Group Germany Utilities 55.63 2.9 122.29 48.18
73 Prudential Financial United States Insurance 31.71 3.54 417.78 39.7
74 Intel United States Semiconductors 38.83 8.66 48.31 121.19
75 Lehman Bros Holdings United States Diversified financials 32.42 3.26 410.06 39.62
76 Telef¨®nica Spain Telecommunications services 41.14 3.9 73.55 75.92
77 China Pet & Chem (Sinopec) China Oil & gas operations 70.32 4.35 56.78 57.05
78 Aviva United Kingdom Insurance 75.61 2.03 431.29 33.1
78 ENEL Italy Utilities 46.58 3.67 92.44 51.11
80 Munich Re Germany Insurance 62.06 2.49 276.12 30.99
81 Telecom Italia Italy Telecommunications services 37.18 4 100.93 52.08
82 GlaxoSmithKline United Kingdom Drugs & biotechnology 37.22 8.06 42.93 147.42
83 Novartis Group Switzerland Drugs & biotechnology 30.58 5.82 54.33 125.73
83 Royal Bank of Canada Canada Banking 24.96 2.88 397.52 53.68
85 UniCredit Italy Banking 21.02 2.89 359.28 75.89
86 Natl Australia Bank Australia Banking 26.36 3.15 318.89 42.96
87 Unilever Netherlands/United Kingdom Food, drink & tobacco 49.35 4.95 44.53 67.43
88 American Express United States Diversified financials 24.27 3.22 114 66.76
88 Deutsche Post Germany Transportation 58.58 2.15 207.3 29.18
90 Suez Group France Utilities 55.28 2.45 85.45 46.81
91 BMW-Bayerische Motor Germany Consumer durables 60.16 3.01 91.07 32.4
92 Washington Mutual United States Banking 21.23 3.43 343.12 42.44
93 Boeing United States Aerospace & defense 54.85 2.56 60.06 59.58
93 Manulife Financial Canada Insurance 26.7 2.83 156.33 50.52
95 Renault Group France Consumer durables 55.24 4.82 81.39 26.43
96 Statoil Group Norway Oil & gas operations 57.81 4.55 42.2 55.21
97 Roche Group Switzerland Drugs & biotechnology 26.96 4.39 51.36 127.51
98 Aegon Netherlands Insurance 46.38 2.26 341.43 26.4
98 Tokyo Electric Power Japan Utilities 47.09 2.11 124.98 36.59
100 Sprint Nextel United States Telecommunications services 34.68 1.8 102.58 71
数据来源:Forbes.com  制表:新浪财经 2006-04-06

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