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LME Review: Copper Slumps On Sell-off; Metals Dn Overall

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年02月16日 05:37 文华财经

  LONDON (Dow Jones)--A sharp sell-off in London Metal Exchange three-month

  copper late Wednesday saw prices slump 3.1% and puts the remainder of the

  complex under heavy selling pressure, trader says.


   Three-month benchmark copper contract fell $156 to close the late kerb at

  $4,783 a metric ton as the market is spooked by rumors a large fund began

  liquidating copper positions, a trader said.


   "We are hearing rumors that one of the bigger funds is lightening it's load

  and we've probably also seen some long liquidation," he says. "At the moment

  it's all downward pressure but whether it will last is yet to be seen."


   Aluminum prices plunged through support levels at the 30-day and 50-day

  moving average to close $132 lower at $2,349/ton. Commodity-trade Advisory fund

  selling was behind the fall, plus some lighter option-related and trade

  selling, according to Triland.


   Nickel prices closed down $400 at PM kerb at $14,900/ton though the market

  remains relatively resilient given its previous pattern of capitulation during

  sell-offs, Triland said.


   An early fall in tin prices to an intra-day low of $7,725/ton met with

  healthy level of trade buying. Tin closed up $65 at $7,750/ton.


   Prices in dollars a metric ton.

  3 Months Metal Bid-Ask Change from

   Tues PM kerb

  Copper 4783.00-4785.00 Dn 156.00

  Lead 1165.00-1170.00 Dn 58.00

  Zinc 2065.00-2070.00 Dn 120.00

  Aluminum 2349.00-2351.00 Dn 132.00

  Nickel 14900.00-14925.00 Dn 400.00

  Tin 7815.00-7835.00 Up 65.00

  Aluminum Alloy 2370.00 Dn 30.00

  Aluminum Alloy-NASAAC 2120.00-2130.00 Dn 95.00


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