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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2006年06月15日 09:39 文华财经

  文华财经(综合编译 刘娜)--据新加坡6月15日消息,


   0052 GMT (Dow Jones) Gold's macroeconomic, geopolitical drivers have lost some

  shine as oil below $70/bbl, interest rates on rise, Iran tensions off boil; "but

  they can easily re-ignite," says Jonathan Barratt, Tricom forex, metals head.

  Spot currently $564.15/oz, up $20-plus on yesterday's low, but still down $166 on

  mid-May peak. "Our view is gold is cheap at these levels, although we won't get

  through $730 probably for another six months." Expects prices to recover to

  $580-600 over next month.(JAD)


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