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http://finance.sina.com.cn 2005年05月19日 19:05 国联安基金管理公司


  Market Snapshot-April 2005

  美国 US



  During March, investors were unsettled by the softness in the market for Treasuries and by the ongoing, if volatile, rise in the price of oil and other commodities. There was little evidence of a general deterioration in the environment for corporate earnings. Nevertheless, investors focused on the profit warning which was issued by auto giant General Motors in the middle of March. The announcement that an investigation had found evidence of accounting irregularities at American International Group, the world's largest insurer, also hurt investor confidence.

  With interest rates certain to rise further, and economic growth likely to slow, we find it difficult be especially positive about the prospects for US equities as an asset class. Slowing, or indeed zero, economic growth is consistent with softness in consumer spending and a downturn in corporate profits from high levels. In the event of an inflationary blow-out - resulting from excess credit, - the US stockmarket would likely rise further, but in a volatile fashion. This scenario would likely be accompanied by sharp fall in the US Dollar.

  欧洲 Europe



  Although the major UK stockmarket indices slipped slightly, most markets in continental Europe made progress during March. As in Japan, investors are focusing less on gloomy economic statistics and more on the potential for corporate profits to rise through increased export sales and/or through restructuring. During the month, there were two take-over bids for major Italian banks. Both bids are subject to approval by Italy's central bank, which has previously opposed take-overs by foreign institutions of the major players in that country's fragmented banking industry.

  Valuations are still comparatively low. Corporate restructuring is alreadygnivaha positive effect on profitability. Particular companies have scope to expand in Eastern Europe and/or to lift dividend payout ratios. The main negative is that European companies have been curtailing investment, in spite of high generation of free cash flow. This is at a time that consumption spending has been constrained by slippage in real incomes. The behaviour of the large European companies is a key reason for the disappointingly slow growth in much of Euroland.

  亚洲 Asia





  The major Hong Kong stockmarket indices slipped by around 5% during March. Investors were concerned about three issues. One was the potential impact on the global economy of higher prices for oil. The second was the continuing rise in US$ interest rates - even though local monetary conditions have meant that these have not automatically been matched in Hong Kong. The third was the potential for liquidity conditions to deteriorate - as higher (and/or increasing) interest rates elsewhere attracted capital away from Hong Kong. A large number of leading Hong Kong companies posted excellent profit results and/or announced generous or increased dividends. However, this had little impact on the stockmarket, which indicated that a lot of the good news had already been discounted by investors.

  March was a disappointing month for most of the other Asian stockmarkets as well. This was in spite of signs of improving business and consumer confidence in South Korea, and no significant deterioration in economic fundamentals elsewhere. The corporate profit results that were announced could be described as being mixed, but were, overall, reasonably satisfactory. As was the case in Hong Kong, investors throughout the region were worried about the possibility of significant capital outflows in an environment of rising US$ interest rates: large cap stocks in the comparatively illiquid stockmarkets of Thailand and Malaysia were sold down sharply.

  At the end of the month, Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of the People's Bank of China, confirmed that the Renminbi would not be revalued. Because of China's substantial current account surplus, policy makers in Brussels and Washington have argued for such a move. However, Mr Zhou indicated that the country would move gradually towards a more flexible exchange rate regime over the medium term. He said that: "Our mission ... is mainly to improve the ... exchange rate information mechanism, rather than simply to adjust the exchange rate." Meanwhile, the Chinese authorities are maintaining policies to prevent the economy from overheating. For instance, it is likely that there will be more emphasis on rural - as opposed to urban - development, which could imply lower demand for capital goods. Nevertheless, Mr Zhou specifically ruled out sharp increases in interest rates in the near future, on the basis that higher deposit rates would "run counter to the government's effort to increase consumption (and reduce investment)."

  Going forward, continuing rises in US$ interest rates, together with capital outflows (whether feared or actual) will likely continue to overshadow the stockmarkets of the Asia Pacific region outside Japan. We see the latest correction in Hong Kong's stockmarket as a natural development given its strong gains in 2004. Although that market could fall further in the short-to-medium term, we perceive that it is supported by reasonable valuations. In spite of the signs of improvement in South Korea's domestic economy, we remain cautious about the prospects for exports - given the likely general weakness of the US$ - and, therefore, the potential for strong gains in the stockmarket. However, the latest developments and data are consistent with a "soft landing" for China's economy and a shift in emphasis from investment to consumption. This is good news for the rest of the region and, indeed, for the global economy.

  日本 Japan

  面对反映经济疲弱的统计数字,日本股市的投资者持续乐观。基本上,投资者仍对企业盈利可持续改善抱有信心,不论是否由资产及商品价格上升或重组所带动。日本央行最近的每月报告,加上日本经济财政大臣竹中平藏就日本央行公布的商业调查发表的言论,均反映政府认为该国的经济持续复苏。贸易产业省预测工业生产在3月及4月将会上升。Jupiter Telecom(亦称J-Com)在日本最大型的上市活动中表现强劲。


  Investors in Japan's stockmarket continued to be sanguine in the face of statistics that pointed to economic weakness. Essentially, they remained confident that corporate profits can continue to improve, whether as a result of higher prices for property and commodities or as a consequence of restructuring. The latest monthly report of the Bank of Japan, together with the comments from Economy Minister Heizo Takenaka in relation to the central bank's Tankan report on business confidence, indicated that, from the point of view of the government, Japan's recovery remains on track. For its part, the trade ministry forecast that industrial production would rise in March and April. Jupiter Telecom - sometimes known as J-Com - made a strong debut in Japan's largest Initial Public Offering.

  On balance, we remain confident that Japan is making a gradual transition from deflation to mild inflation. We continue to focus on companies that can benefit from higher prices for raw materials and real estate. We also perceive that particular groups have technological leadership in their respective fields: this should ensure that they benefit from ongoing trends such as the development of China.

  债券 Bonds






  March was a challenging month for investors in US Treasuries. Yields rose and prices fell as investors responded to signs that inflationary pressures are mounting. In early March, official statistics revealed that non-farm payrolls grew by a greater-than-expected 262,000 in February and that factory orders had been stronger than anticipated in January. Later in the month, it emerged that the Producer Price Index had risen 2.8% year-on-year, or by the most since 1998. As had generally been expected, the Federal Open Markets Committee lifted the Federal Funds rate by 0.25% to 2.75%.

  In Europe, on the other hand, investors in government bonds tended to focus on a continuing round of official statistics and surveys which confirmed that, in much of Euroland, demand and sentiment are depressed. Yields fell in Euroland and in the UK. The European Central Bank kept its key policy rate unchanged at 2.00%. The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee also kept its key rate unchanged at 4.75%, even though two of the Committee's members argued for a tightening of monetary policy.

  Japanese Government Bonds also fell in yield and rose in price. This was mainly due to technical factors. Japanese institutional investors who were seeking to improve the appearance of their balance sheets prior to the end of the financial year on 31 March were natural buyers of JGBs.

  The latest increase in interest rates in the USA, together with the various signs of robustness in the US economy, contributed to the rise in the US Dollar relative to most other major currencies during March.

  Within our fixed income portfolios, we continue to see the outlook for US$ longer-dated bonds as unexciting. Bond prices remain vulnerable to higher inflation and/or to further increases in official interest rates. We continue to favour longer-dated European government bonds. We also hold inflation-linked bonds and callable bonds which should benefit in an environmenterehwgovernment bonds remain range-bound.


  Information included herein including any expression of opinion of forecast has been obtained from or its based on sources believed by us to reliable, but is not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness. The information is given without obligation and on the understanding that any person who acts upon it or changes his or her position in reliance thereon does so entirely at his or her own risk.


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