

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月17日 11:36  新浪财经

  The Past 30 Years

  --A Review and Analysis by 50 Chinese Economists





  * Preface I: The Experiences of Thirty Years’ Economic Reform in China

  --From Institutional Perspectives

  By Wu Jinglian

  * Preface II: The Open of Mind to Outside World in China’s Reform and Opening Progress

  By Edwin R. Lim

  * Preface III: Successes and New Challenges in China’s Reform and Opening

  By Michael Spence

  * The Transformation and Cultivation of A Labor Market

  By Cai Fang

  * The Reforms of China’s Transitional Financial Institutions and Prospective

  By Cao Yuanzheng

  * Economic Growth and Productivity

  --In Search of Reasons of High Speed Growth in Thirty Years’ Reform

  By Chen Dongqi

  * Reform in Rural Areas and Institutional Migration

  By Chen Xiwen

  * Transitional Economics and Thirty Years’ Practices of Reform in China

  By Fan Gang

  * Some Thinking of Economic Institutional Reforms

  By Fan Hengshan

  * Review and Reflections of the “Strategies and Possible Options of Reform”

  By Guo Shuqing

  * Deng Xiaoping and China’s Open Door Policy

  By Hu An-gang

  * Thirty Years’ Opening Policy in China

  --Growth, Structure, and Institutional Changes

  By Jiang Xiaojuan

  * Some Thoughts of the Progress of Marketization Reform in China

  By Li Xiaoxi

  * The Quantitative Analysis of China’s Transitional Macro-Economy

  By Liang Youcai

  * Tide Phenomenon and the Reconstruction of Macro Economics Theories for Developing Countries

  By Justin Lin

  * A Miraculous Growth without Full Stop

  By Liu He

  * The Opening and Competition in Market and Industrial Upgrade

  --The Case of Automobile Industry in China

  By Liu Shijin

  * An Institutional Leap of the Reform of the Management Institution of Foreign Exchange

  By Lou Jiwei and Gao Jianhong

  * A Review and Perspective of Fiscal Revue and Taxation in the Past 30 Years in China

  By Lou Jiwei

  * Great Change in 30 Years

  --A Review and Analysis of the Progress of Reform of SOEs

  By Ma Jiantang

  * Thirty Years of Reform and Opening of China’s Economy

  --A Historic and International Perspective

  By Qian Yingyi

  * From the Status of Supplementary Measures of SOE Reform to Universal Public Basic Services

  --Thirty Years Reform of Social Security Systems

  By Song Xiaowu

  * The Reform of Property Rights Institutions and the Making of A Mixed Economic Institution

  By Wei Jie

  * An Explanation of “China Experience” and “Comparative Advantage”

  By Wen Tiejun

  * Look Back of Thirty Years

  --China’s Financial Structure and its Efficiency of Resource Allocation

  By Wu Xiaoling

  * Theoretical Breakthrough behind Successful Practices

  --The Understanding of the Construction of Effective Theoretical Framework of Progressive Reform

  By Xia Bin

  * A “Fiscal Revolution” I have Experienced

  --The History of the Reform of Management System of National Treasure

  By Xiao Jie

  * Thirty Years of Reform of State-Owned Commercial Bannks

  By Xie Ping

  * Memories of My Experiences with the Reform of Fiscal Revenue and Taxation

  By Xu Shanda

  * The Evolution of the Exchange Rate System of RMB in Thirty Years of Reform and Opening

  By Yi Gang

  * To Break the Monopoly in SOE Dominated Sectors and Construct Government Regulated Economy

  By Zhang Shuguang

  * The System of Dual Track and the Reform of Price Control

  By Zhang Weiying

  * The Construction and Improvement of Macro Adjustment System in Practices of Development

  By Zheng Xinli

  * The Great Live Show of China’s Reform Led Deng Xiaoping

  By Zhou Qiren

  * The Reform of Trade Policies and the Change of Mindset in Early Years of Opening to the Outside World

  By Zhou Xiaochuan

【 新浪财经吧 】
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