龙永图简历 | |||||||||
http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年05月19日 19:10 新浪财经 | |||||||||
2003年1月,博鳌亚洲论坛理事会在东京选举龙永图先生为博鳌亚洲论坛秘书长。 龙永图先生1965年毕业于贵州大学英文系,1973年至1974年在伦敦经济学院研究生院学习,主修国际经济学。 龙永图先生1992年1月出任外经贸部国际司司长,开始参加中国的复关谈判。1994年被
龙永图先生长期从事对外贸易和国际经济合作工作。1978至1980年在纽约中国常驻联合国代表团工作。1980年至1985年期间,龙永图先生在联合国开发计划署纽约总部工作,负责制定亚洲地区发展规划,并在1985到1986年担任该机构驻朝鲜副代表。1986年至1991年,在担任外经贸部中国国际经济技术交流中心副主任期间,负责协调中国政府同联合国发展机构的经济合作。 龙永图先生经常作为嘉宾应邀出席世界著名研究、学术机构和知名大学组织的研讨会,其中包括哈佛大学、华盛顿大学、伦敦经济学院、澳大利亚国立大学、新加坡国立大学以及荷兰全球论坛、日本淡岛论坛、太平洋经济论坛,英国皇家学会、美国亚洲协会、美国亚洲基金会、经济合作与发展组织以及亚洲开发银行等。他曾经主编了“全球化·世贸组织·中国系列丛书”。 龙永图先生目前担任复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院院长、国际问题研究院院长,同时也是北京大学、清华大学、中国人民大学、南开大学、浙江大学,武汉大学,上海财经大学等学校的客座或兼职教授。他还应李嘉诚先生的邀请,出任汕头大学校董会成员。2006年7月,龙永图先生荣获伦敦经济学院名誉经济学博士学位。 龙永图先生曾获“CCTV2003年度经济人物”称号;2004年10月,获联合国秘书长安南颁发的联合国特别奖,以表彰他对促进中国与联合国合作的杰出贡献。2005年8月8日,为表彰博鳌亚洲论坛秘书长龙永图在促进亚洲区域合作和促进中欧、中比经贸关系所做出的努力,比利时国王阿尔贝二世陛下授予龙永图秘书长莱奥波德国王勋章。 (更新日期:2006年7月) 英文简历: Mr. Long Yongtu is Secretary-General of Boao Forum for Asia elected by its Board of Directors on January 21, 2003. Mr. Long received his BA Degree of British and American Literature in the Guizhou University in 1965 and had his post graduate study in economics at the London School of Economics from 1973 to 1974. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) in 1965 and served as a diplomat in the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations in New York from 1978 to 1980. From 1980 to 1986, he worked in the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), first in New York headquarters and then in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as the Deputy Resident Representative of the UNDP Office. After 8 years of diplomatic service abroad from 1978 to 1986, Mr. Long returned to China in 1986 and became Deputy Director-general of China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE). In January 1992, Mr. Long was appointed Director-general of Department of International Relations, MOFTEC, and Assistant Minister of the Ministry in April 1994. In February 1997, he was appointed Vice Minister and the Chief Representative for Trade Negotiations of MOFTEC. As the Chief Negotiator for China’s resumption of GATT contracting party status and its accession to the World Trade Organization, Mr. Long dedicated over 10 years for this prolonged trade negotiation to bring China Apart from trade negotiations, Mr. Long was also in charge of the multilateral economic and trade affairs between China and the United Nations development agencies. He was fully involved in APEC affairs and attended the APEC meetings of trade ministers each year during the years from 1992 to 2001. Mr. Long has been active in promoting regional economic cooperation. He was actively involved in creating the Regional Economic Development Cooperation Committee of the Tumen River Area in Northeast Asia and chaired the Committee’s first ministerial meeting in Beijing in April 1996. Apart from his official duties, Mr. Long is the Dean of School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University and visiting professor of many renowned Chinese Academic Institiutions, including the Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University, Nankai University, Zhejiang University, Wuhan University, etc. He’s also the board member of Shantou University. In July, 2006, Mr. Long was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Science (Economics) by London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Mr. Long received a special award by the United Nations Secretary General Mr. Kofi Annan, Oct.2004, for his outstanding contribution to the UN partnership in China and in promoting the values of the UN. And on August 8,2005, His Majesty King Albert II of the Belgium decreed to award the Insignia of Officer in the |