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Materialism damages well-being

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2003年12月02日 09:51 新浪财经


    一直以来,人类历史的主旋律就是痛苦,这样说会不会太过分?要把过去想象成一首浪漫的田园诗,其实很容易-只要对不断降临的战争、瘟疫和饥荒视而不见就行了。折衷一下,你可能不想过于沉浸在恐惧、迷信或宗教迫害的阴影之中。经济学家约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)曾写道:对生计的要求或斗争,是人类永恒的问题。对此,我们却无法回避。

Is it going too far to suggest that, until very recently, the leitmotif of human history had been misery? It is easy to imagine the past as some kind of bucolic idyll, but only by ignoring the perpetual visitations of war, pestilence and famine. In between, you might have hoped to avoid living too much in the shadow of fear, superstition or religious persecution but there was no escaping what the economist John Maynard Keynes described as the permanent problem of the human race: want, or the struggle for subsistence.


It is one of the most startling achievements of recent economic history that, in the advanced industrial world, this seemingly permanent problem has been solved. For the most part, people in developed countries live in a state of surfeit, not of want. They no longer worry whether they can afford to put food in their children's bellies or keep a roof over their heads, but which cable channel package they should subscribe to,swheresto spend their holidays and which designer labels they should wear.

    但有些人永远不会知足。即使他们比以往更富有、更健康、更安全,即使他们享有更多的自由、拥有更多的机会,可他们仍满腹牢骚。他们抱怨抑郁症人数、自杀率和犯罪率节节攀升;他们感叹世风日下,肥胖的人越来越多;他们对愈演愈烈的“马路愤怒(Road Rage)”和滥用毒品大发牢骚;他们对超竞争加剧,物质主义猖獗表示不满,还有最主要的是----垃圾邮件泛滥。

But some people are never satisfied. Even though they are richer, healthier and safer than ever before, and even though they enjoy more freedoms and opportunities, they continue to moan: about rising depression and suicide rates, about crime, about the decline of civility, about obesity, road rage and drug abuse, about hyper-competition and rampant materialism and, above all, about spam.

    事实上,在西方国家,人们的幸福程度据报道不再与经济产量和消费的增长成正比。而且,随着两者差距的拉大,这几乎成为一种困扰。本周,我在同一天收到了两个智囊团所做的有关“追求幸福”的报告:一份来自伦敦的新经济基金会(New Economics Foundation),另一份则来 自堪培拉的澳大利亚研究会(Australia Institute)。上周,英 国最负盛名的科学院英国皇家学会召开了一次为期两天的会议,探讨幸福。上月,《新科学家》杂志也以此为题,刊登了总共两个部分的系列。诸如此类,不一而足。

The fact is that, in the west, increases in economic output and consumption are no longer being matched by increases in people's reported levels of happiness. And as the gap widens, it is close to becoming an obsession. This week, I received reports on the pursuit of happiness from two think-tanks on the same day: one from the London-based New Economics Foundation and another from the Canberra-based Australia Institute. Last week, the Royal Society, Britain's top scientific academy, held a two-day conference on the science of well-being. Last month, New Scientist magazine devoted a two-part series to the subject. And so on.


You can sum up the main findings of happiness research in a few sentences. Although more money delivers big increases in happiness when you are poor, each extra dollar makes less difference once your basic needs have been met. Much more important are non-material things such as a good marriage and spending time with loved ones and friends.


However, money and material goods do make a difference in one respect: people tend to seek status, and therefore judge themselves against the visible signs of others' success. Unfortunately, as the New Economics Foundation report remarks, this is a never-ending competition because the bar simply gets raised all the time. One house used to be a sign of status; now only two will do.

    只要人们不再为地位所困扰,他们的幸福之路将变得一目了然:人们应该放慢脚步,牺牲一点工资来换取与家人、朋友共聚的时间。你可能会说,这是永远不可能的,但克莱夫•汉密尔顿(Clive Hamilton)所做的调查显示,在30岁 到59岁的英国人中,在过去的10年里,有25%的人就是这么做的。为了改善生活质量,他们宁愿少赚一点。克莱夫•汉密尔顿是澳大利亚研究会幸福研究报告的作者,也是剑桥大学的访问学者。

If people could only overcome their worries about status, their route to happiness would be clear: they should downshift, trading less pay for more time with their families and friends. It will never happen, you may say. But according to Clive Hamilton, author of the Australia Institute report and a visiting scholar at Cambridge University, an astonishing 25 per cent of Britons aged 30-59 have done just that in the past 10 years, voluntarily taking a cut in earnings to improve the quality of their lives.


If I were in advertising, I think I would be starting to worry a bit about findings like these. Our whole economic system, with its targeted annual increases in gross domestic product, is founded upon the concept of satisfying the desire for more; and advertising exists only to help generate that desire. But what if people became convinced that acquisitiveness, rather than adding to their happiness, was standing in its way?


People have always been equivocal about advertising, worrying that it hoodwinks themsintosbuying things they do not need. Perhaps that explains the paradox that, as society has grown more liberal, attitudes towards advertising have gone in the opposite direction. It is no longer the case that you can market any goods that can be legally sold. People are demanding that advertising should operate within the parameters of social, even moral, objectives. Bans on tobacco advertising are now being followed by calls for restrictions on the advertising of other "undesirable" products such as alcohol and fast food. And there is a rising clamour for bans on marketing to children, much of it driven by fears that they are being brainwashedsintosconsumerism from birth.


From there, it is quite a short step to argue that advertising to adults should be banned on the grounds that it makes them unhappy. It will never happen, of course; people will always require - indeed, desire - material goods, even if they give them a lower priority, so advertising will fulfil a necessary role. But is it possible to imagine a day when every advertisement will have to be accompanied by a government health warning such as: "Danger: materialism may damage your sense of well-being"?


Acquisitiveness, after all, is a lot like smoking: harmful, addictive and much easier to quit if everyone else does so at the same time. So the greater happiness of the many would best be served if social policy were directed towards marginalising status-seekers and turning themsintospitiful pariahs, leaving the rest of us to downshift in the comfortable knowledge that we were not only in the majority but also doing the right thing.


Convinced? I am. Tell you what, I'll agree to stop being a greedy self-maximiser if you will, then we'll both be much happier as a result. Ready? One, two, thr . . . Hey! What do you think you're doing? Get your hands off my credit card RIGHT NOW.






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