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Productivity with a solitary vice

http://finance.sina.com.cn 2003年11月26日 08:52 新浪财经



The background of my screen is a vivid green. Seven bright cards are lined up across it. With my mouse I drag the six of hearts on to the seven of spades. I am doing the most taboo thing that you can do in the office, after visiting porn sites on the internet. I am blatantly playing solitaire.


In spite of being one of the nation's leading time-wasters, with acknowledged specialism in office idleness, I have never, until this week, played card games on my computer at work. At home, yes. But in the office, I never dared.


There is a peckingsgroupsin the respectability of time-wasting activities at work, and computer games are at the bottom of it. Minute for minute, all time-wasting eats up the same amount of time, but employers tend not to see it like that. Luckily for me, the activity I like the best is the most respectable. It is chatting. Strictly speaking, this is twice as wasteful, as you are not just squandering your own time but also that of the person you are talking to.


However, most modern organisations do not merely tolerate chatting but actively encourage it. Chatting supposedly spreads knowledge and increases the buzz that is meant to lead to creativity. I am glad they see it like this, though the link between creativity and asking "Did anyone see Celebrity Wife Swap last night?" has never been clear to me.


Next to chatting come frequent visits to the vending machine and the loo. Companies generally do not or cannot object to this. You meet people on the way and then chat some more.


Further down the peckingsgroupsare shopping on the internet and researching obscure medical conditions on Google. Some organisations outlaw this sort of thing but most tolerate it, more or less.


Playing cards on your computer is another thing altogether. For a start, the bright green makes it highly visible. Just now I was playing solitaire and a new temporary secretary brought me my mail. I felt a brief stab of guilt. By sitting playing games, I was so ostentatiously, outrageously idle I might as well have had a big sign on my head saying: "I'm bored. I'm shirking. I'm a waste of space. Fire me."


I suspect there are many people in this building who play cards at work; most have desks that do not facesintosthe room so people cannot see what they are doing. Yet when I sent out a message to all my colleagues asking for computer card players to come forward in the strictest confidence and talk to me about their habit, only three people responded. One had played in the past, but didn't any more. Two others admitted to playing at home or on their Palm Pilots on the Tube. If I had asked how many people beat their wives I would not have got a much more muted response.


Yet I now find that there is no reason to be ashamed of playing solitaire at work. Spending time playing these harmless little games may even be good for your work.

    最近,Utrecht大学的杰弗瑞•哥尔斯坦(Jeffrey Goldstein)针对荷兰一家保险公司的60人开展了一项实验。这60人中一半获准每天用一小时玩空当接龙或者挖地雷等基本的电脑游戏。实验的另一半人则不准玩。大家猜一下结果如何?玩游戏的那一半人更快乐,效率也更高。

Jeffrey Goldstein of Utrecht University has just conducted an experiment on 60 people in a Dutch insurance company. Half of them were allowed an hour a day to play basic computer games such as Solitaire and Minesweeper. The other half were not. And guess what? The half who played the games were happier and more productive.


If this is true, it is quite important. Here is a way of making people feel better that involves no expenditure, no culture change, no managerial initiative, no nothing.


Instead of taking games off personal computers and sending round beastly memos, it seems companies should allow everyone to play these games, and watch morale climb.


Up to a point, Prof Goldstein's results make sense. A good game is soothing because it requires just the right amount of mental activity. While you play, the rest of your mind can be a blissful blank. If you do a boring job or a stressful one, such escapism is a fine thing: a mental break from which you return feeling refreshed.

    我发现,和人打电话的时候玩游戏也很不错。打电话时玩这些游戏远不像打字那样显得粗鲁,因为电话那一头很难听到鼠标移 动的声音。

I have found it is also good to play games when you are talking to someone on the phone. It is far less rude than typing, as the mouse noise is not so obvious to the person on the other end.


The catch is that these card games are addictive. The Dutch workers must have been an unusually moderate bunch to be able to stick happily to an hour a day. I am less moderate: at home I play obsessively when I should be working. I start by making a deal with myself that after every 150 words I am allowed ONE game. But then the game does not go well, and I play another and another and another and another.


Two things tell me I have crossed the line from being a user to being an abuser. The first is that if I am working at home and one of my children comessintosthe room, I quickly shut the game down. To hide such a bad habit from one's family is pathetic. Still worse is what it does to your hand and wrist. To get RSI from playing solitaire would be the most tragic thing imaginable.


From the wrist, as well as from the heart, I urge all companies to take no notice of the Utrecht findings. Computer games should remain taboo.


In spending some of last week "researching" card games on my office computer, I have done myself no favours. I am not only as addicted to solitaire as ever, but also am in the early stages of a new relationship with Minesweeper and FreeCell.


Prof Goldstein has conducted a similar experiment in an old people's home, swhereshe also found that playing computer games raised morale. This thought is comforting, and gives me an idea. I am going to kick the habit now and take it up again, along with smoking, in three or four decades when other opportunities for wasting time are thinner on the ground.






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