2017年01月04日16:01 新浪综合



  贾跃亭:续航超700公里提速2.39秒,新物种FF 91全球首发重构未来


  今天,美西时间1.3,18:00 (北京时间1.4,10:00),Las Vegas,战略伙伴FF正式发布首款量产车:FF 91——新物种·重构未来。这是全球首款互联网生态电动车,将全球最强的动力性能、无缝互联、安全智能等特点集于一身,让我们一起,踏上汽车、科技、文化 与互联网的完美融合之旅吧(回顾FF Zero1震撼出世)。

  从内到外,FF 91拥有众多开创性以及颠覆传统想象的极限科技、配置和性能。它代表了FF在运动性能、智能、互联和用户体验等领域的创新和开拓。它是一个“新物种”,宣告了FF重构百年汽车产业征程的正式开始。


  Dream On and All In

  Good evening everyone. It’s awesome to be here! I’ve always wanted to speak to you in English, please bear with me.


  Very cool! It’s impossible to perfectly categorize this disruptive machine. FF 91 is not only the quickest EV in the world, but also packed with many disruptive innovations. FF is breaking the boundaries of Internet, AI & self-driving, IT, Electric powertrain and Auto industries, creating Eco chemistry and reformatting the core value of cars.

  这辆车太cool了!完全没法用当下的任何车型来归类它。这辆车不仅是地表加速最快的电动车,更有太多的颠覆性创新。FF打破了互联网,AI及自动驾驶, IT,汽车,电动系统五大技术领域的边界,实现破界创新,生态化反,重构了汽车的核心价值。

  We believe the car of the future will no longer be valued in cubic inches, it will be measured in kilowatts, gigahertz, gigabytes, and the extent to which it connects you to the people and things that matter the most.

  The core value of the next generation of cars will be reformatted into computing power, AI & self-driving, Internet & cloud, and electric power systems.


  In the last hundred years, all kinds of vehicle categories have been formed including Sedan, SUV, Van, Sports Car. The list goes on. But now, this is all going to change. FF 91 integrates the best of all. With one vehicle, FF replaces many categories of cars. It’s all-in-one. Once you own an FF 91, you can get rid of your other cars in the garage. It reformats people’s perception of cars. It’s no longer just a car. It is a new species.

  同时,过去上百年形成轿车,SUV,MPV,跑车等五花八门的车型分类即将会被改变。FF 正在创造一个跨界融合的全新品类,希望用一种车型就能够替代所有车型。相信你买了FF 91,家里的各种车型就可以处理掉了。它完全颠覆人类对车的认知,是全新的物种。

  Faraday Future was founded 4 years ago. A few world-class experts came together from the Internet, IT, Electric powertrain, and auto industries. We share a dream to restore the blue sky and to reformat the hundred year old auto industry. We are not just building an EV, but a globally shared internet mobility ecosystem.

  4年前,来自于互联网,IT, 电动系统,汽车领域的几个业界顶尖大牛,怀着蓝天梦,和重构百年汽车产业的梦想,创建了FF。我们的使命不仅仅是造一辆电动车,而是打造全球共享的互联网交通生态系统。

  Here we are, FF launches our first production vehicle to the world. This is a milestone on our journey from oil age, to electric car era, and on to the electric internet ecosystem era. We invite you to be a part of the journey. We believe an easy road may never lead to greatness. Adversity shapes character. I am willing to devote my everything to my dream, even my life. Dream on and all in! Thank you!

  今 天,FF向全世界展示了第一台颠覆性的量产车。这是汽车产业由汽油时代、电动时代,到互联网生态电动时代的一个里程碑。颠覆之路上必定荆棘重重,但我们相 信一帆风顺的事业很难成就伟大。越大的磨难才是越好的锤炼。我愿意把我生命的全部交给我的梦想, Dream On and All In! 谢谢!

  YT Jia


